Just . . . just

Just . . . just let me explain . . .

Got this in the mail today from Mac Diva

Yo, Prometheus,

My feelings are hurt. I was browsing your site and saw that neither of my blogs is listed under people you would like to meet. What kind of way is that to treat a sister with nerve?

I'm not trying to hurt you sis. "Blogs by folks I might like to meet" isn't about blogs. It's about folks that made me curious about them as a person on one level or another - hence, might. I wasn't curious about you because you made sense (if that makes sense). My real-real blogroll is in my Netscape "Favorites" menu, where Mac-a-ro-nies is listed under "Blogs and stuff," and Silver Rights under "Black Folks' Stuff."

Since you insist on making this personal, though, I am compromising my principles and adding a "Blog that I must read" to the "Blogs by folks I might like to meet." Which means I'll have to meet you if you ever make it to NYC.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 4/20/2003 11:48:16 AM |

Posted by Prometheus 6 on April 20, 2003 - 11:48am :: Old Site Archive