I understand what Kristoff is trying to do

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on February 23, 2005 - 2:01am.
on Africa and the African Diaspora

But I'm afraid the Abu Ghraib torture "scandal" proves there is little that can move Americans from their complacency and indifference for more than a week or so.

sudan.jpgThe Secret Genocide Archive

Photos don't normally appear on this page. But it's time for all of us to look squarely at the victims of our indifference.

These are just four photos in a secret archive of thousands of photos and reports that document the genocide under way in Darfur. The materials were gathered by African Union monitors, who are just about the only people able to travel widely in that part of Sudan.

This African Union archive is classified, but it was shared with me by someone who believes that Americans will be stirred if they can see the consequences of their complacency.