The song sounds familiar

Didn't the feds try this? And didn't it fail?

Typically, the request is couched in noble reasoning that is belied by the actual demand. If Kline's purpose is as stated he should be requesting the records only for abortion patients that haven't reached the age of majority in Kansas. You could actually build a case for that I could support.

But he wants adult patients' records. And no one is going to even have records of illegal abortions.

I repeat: no one that performs illegal late term abortions will have hospital records documenting the crime.

Fishing expeditions in our private records and medical histories should not be allowed. That simple.

Kansas Prosecutor Demands Files on Late-Term Abortion Patients

TOPEKA, Kan., Feb. 24 - Attorney General Phill Kline, a Republican who has made fighting abortion a staple of his two years in the post, is demanding the complete medical files of scores of women and girls who had late-term abortions, saying on Thursday that he needs the information to prosecute criminal cases.

Mr. Kline emphasized statutory rape at a news conference here but also spoke obliquely of other crimes that court documents suggest could include doctors' providing illegal late-term abortions and health professionals' failing to heed a state law that requires the reporting of suspected child sexual abuse.

"When a 10-, 11- or 12-year-old child is pregnant, under Kansas law that child has been raped, and as the state's chief law enforcement official it is my obligation to investigate child rape in order to protect Kansas children," Mr. Kline said. "There are two things that child predators want, access to children and secrecy. As attorney general, I'm bound and determined not to give them either."

He declined to answer questions about his investigation.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on February 25, 2005 - 8:08am :: Health | Politics

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