Let's see how many people know the difference between religion and geopolitical strategy

Quote of note:

Mr. Livingstone told Mr. Finegold that he was behaving like a German war criminal, according to the reporter's tape-recording of the incident. When Mr. Finegold said he was Jewish, the mayor said: "Well, you might be, but actually you are just like a concentration camp guard."

The mayor wrote that his differences with Mr. Grunwald related to "the policies of successive Israeli governments," not anti-Semitism.

"Israel's expansion has included ethnic cleansing," he wrote. "Palestinians who had lived in that land for centuries were driven out by systematic violence and terror aimed at ethnically cleansing what became a large part of the Israeli state."

Oof! That had to leave a mark...

Actually, there's little more meat to the article so here's the link and we're done.

London Mayor's Latest Statements on Israel Raise New Complaints

Posted by Prometheus 6 on March 5, 2005 - 6:36am :: War