One of the reasons I'm relentless in pointing out Black folks' rights are only enforced when the mainstream benefits from it

When the inevitable correction comes, who do you think gets pushed off the ladder of economic advancement first?

Tribulation is nigh!

Americans beware. I most certainly am sounding like an alarmist, but for good reason, given that I believe that the next economic depression is nigh. I think one of the latest signs is the lobbying by banks to reform bankruptcy so that banks and creditors can cease assets as the economic decline is nigh. Currently, consumers can have some of the assets protected by filling for bankruptcy. For anyone who studies history and economics, crashes in economies is almost always related banks slowing the increase in the supply of money and the coming depression will be no different.

It's also one reason I may well take Publicola up on his offer of weapons training. People do NOT behave well when they think they're losing everything. I don't want anyone hurt...but the first anyone I don't want hurt are my peoples.

And the real problem is that people think the problem is real.

Basically any economic system...capitalism, socialism, a justification to pretend you already have what you think you're going to have. And any system, economic or otherwise, will end. It's just the nature of things.

The political entity "United States of America" survived its several economic collapses by the simple expedient of deciding it would.

The whole damn banking system could collapse, and not one factory would disappear, not one worker would lose her skills. The vast amount of work done by the WPA, the interstate highway system, the subsidized art and literature all during a time of economic collapse is proof things can and will get done because it needs to, and the economic justification will be made whenever.

But because people base their entire world view things that are entirely conceptual (like "an economy", the transition to temporary as I am convinced it will be...will be wrenchingly painful to many.

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on March 10, 2005 - 8:28am :: Economics

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I don't really have anything to add here only more questions. How could we have avoided this? Was it NAFTA ? Was it Tax Cuts for the rich? Was it Corporate mismanagement .. This kind of thing really scares me because it seems so likely to happen.

Posted by  shugavery on March 10, 2005 - 4:23pm.

I would be very interested in what any thinkers vision of an economic collapse in 2005 would look like. What things can we learn from the depression in the 30's. I heard that one of the big things to do during the 30's depression was to move to the west coast (california) for relief. Where could you go in 2005 ... China? I guess it's time to start investing in gold bullion.

Posted by  shugavery on March 10, 2005 - 8:21pm.

Everything ends, sis. It only varies in the details...which is to say that if we could do something about it we'd just have a different problem later.

I think the trick is to be ready.

This time around, I think we're in for a soft landing.
<set TinFoilHat="on">
See, nowadays the dominant form of social organization is the transnational corporation. And it is in their interest to smooth out the difference between American and foreign labor prices. And it ain't going to be by bringing foreign labor prices up to our standard. They're already looking past India to Africa.
<set TinFoilHat="off">

Posted by  Prometheus 6 on March 10, 2005 - 8:39pm.

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