Abandoning the last few centuries of truth

by Prometheus 6
March 10, 2005 - 9:59am.
on Religion | Seen online

On reading the anti-evolution article linked in that Gödel thing in Slate, I find this astounding bit of...well, I'm not sure what to call it.


(1) Contrary to popular lore, the Galileo controversy proves not the misdeeds of the Church, but the untrustworthiness of scientists and anti-God promoters. Galileo was not even honest, having fraudulently presented the telescope as his own invention to the Venetian Senate. An accurate reading of the Church vs. Galileo is that Galileo was making outrageous claims that he had proved the earth moved around the sun by his calculations from ocean tides. Galileo did not prove such. And he had no right to be making grandiose claims about the alleged implications of such. He happened to have been correct as proven finally in the late 19th Century by stellar parallax and by Foucault s pendulum experiment, but Galileo did not prove any heliocentrism in his day. The anti-historical, anti-scientific, untrue portrayal of the Church v. Galileo is an incontrovertible proof of the untrustability and gullibility of scientists.

Good lord [sic].

Let's just burn all the scientists at the stake. I'll buy the marshmallows.