After this, I'm minding my

After this, I'm minding my business

re: Meet Bill Regnery, via Mac-a-ro-nies, specifically:

The tables of contents for The Occidental Quarterly confirm that. The list of longterm racists on it includes Enoch Powell, Sam Francis and discredited academic Chris Brand. Regnery himself kicks off the inaugural volume with an essay that makes no pretense in belief in racial equality, "For Our Children's Children." In it, the then 60-year-old elitist elaborates on why he supports secession from the United States by most, if not all, white Americans.
"I am for the United States ceding territory to Prime Number states drawn from the existing North American population that are indivisible by reason of race, religion or mutual interests and want to form a more perfect union than that in which they now live. These sovereign entities at their discretion could form a confederacy of equals to facilitate trade and secure their borders."
Puerto Rico would become a free state. Native Hawaiians might be granted an island or two. Blacks would get a separate homeland and economic support from Israel, apparently premised on a belief African-Americans are incapable of self-support and somehow the responsibility of Jews. Some arrangement not described would be made for Native Americans.

I respond thus:

posted by Prometheus 6 at 4/20/2003 09:07:40 PM |

Posted by Prometheus 6 on April 20, 2003 - 9:07pm :: Old Site Archive