How did I miss that?
I missed it because I don't tech blog like I used to. But at the beginning of the month, during the quarterly "where da wimmin at" discussion, Dare Obasanjo (a VERY competent Microsoft developer and blogger I became familiar with during the Atom vs. RSS wars) commented on it and asked:
I wonder when the NAACP or Jesse Jackson are going to get in on the act and hold a blaggercon conference for black bloggers. Speaking of which, it's my turn to ask "Quick name me five black bloggers". Post your answers in the comments.
"blaggercon" is not a typo, by the way.
Anyway, he got a number of responses I'm familiar with and about the same number that were brand new to's so many of us that's going to happen, so I'm not bitter that I wasn't named (no, not bitter at all).
But it's decided my next project for me. I'm about done with my Amazon affiliate module so I think I'm going to build a blogroll on steroids system.
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