How did I miss that?

I missed it because I don't tech blog like I used to. But at the beginning of the month, during the quarterly "where da wimmin at" discussion, Dare Obasanjo (a VERY competent Microsoft developer and blogger I became familiar with during the Atom vs. RSS wars) commented on it and asked:

I wonder when the NAACP or Jesse Jackson are going to get in on the act and hold a blaggercon conference for black bloggers. Speaking of which, it's my turn to ask "Quick   name me five black bloggers". Post your answers in the comments.

"blaggercon" is not a typo, by the way.

Anyway, he got a number of responses I'm familiar with and about the same number that were brand new to's so many of us that's going to happen, so I'm not bitter that I wasn't named (no, not bitter at all).

But it's decided my next project for me. I'm about done with my Amazon affiliate module so I think I'm going to build a blogroll on steroids system.

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from on April 1, 2005 - 3:24pm


Posted by Prometheus 6 on March 28, 2005 - 4:20pm :: Seen online

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For what it's worth, Reverend Jackson is preoccupied at the moment.

Jesse Jackson Urges Fla. Woman Be Kept Alive

PINELLAS PARK, Fla. (Reuters) - The Rev. Jesse Jackson pleaded on Tuesday for Terri Schiavo to be kept alive as the brain-damaged Florida woman at the center of a bitter family and political dispute slipped toward death.

"She is being starved to death, she is being dehydrated to death. That's immoral and unnecessary," the civil rights leader told reporters after meeting Schiavo's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, near the hospice where she is being cared for.

Actually, the one who suprised me on this issue was Chaka Fattah. The interesting point about the case (if there is any) would have to be that the GOP is raising Lakoff's "nurturing parent" flag, while progressives and libertarians sound like the "strict fathers" - or more importantly - that's how the GOP is playing it.

Posted by  Mike K (not verified) on March 29, 2005 - 7:52pm.

Five? lets see:

You, Me, , , and allaboutgeorge

Where's my cookie?

Posted by  TheCO (not verified) on March 29, 2005 - 8:16pm.

Interesting that you don't use George's URL...

Posted by  Prometheus 6 on March 30, 2005 - 12:14am.

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