
by Prometheus 6
March 30, 2005 - 7:19am.
on For the Democrats

Read what I wrote here.

Read what ex-senator Bill Bradley wrote here.

While you do that, I'll look for an online course on writing more verbosely.

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Submitted by Publicola on March 30, 2005 - 7:57pm.

In addition to firearms use I'd be happy to share what I know about...(hmm how to say it?) "circumnavigating brevity" :)

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on March 30, 2005 - 8:43pm.

Submitted by ptcruiser on March 30, 2005 - 10:28pm.

I read former Senator Bradley's thoughtful piece this morning over a cup of coffee. I think he got it mostly right but the problem, as I see it, is that across the board at the local, state and national levels the leadership of the Democratic Party has little, if any, intention or interest in implementing any of the changes Bradley advocates unless they can control and direct all phases of that transformation. They will not relinquish or cede any power or authority to any group or coalition unless those entities demonstrate a measure of fealty to them.

What troubles rank and file Democrats is the fact that Republicans control the White House, Senate and House, which means that Republicans, by and large, set and dominate the national agenda. What mostly troubles elected and appointed Democrats in my opinion is the prospect that they won't hold elective office. Only a relative handful of them, say, someone like Barney Franks, have a commitment to a larger agenda. Too many of the rest of them are just trying to tread water. Their silence during this Terri Schiavo drama is not an isolated incident. If Bush's traveling medicine show on Social Security begins to build up a head of steam Democrats will start to fold.