I thought I'd give my opinion right up front

Since CNN is shilling for the Religious Right nowadays I thought I'd give my honest, swear-ta-God opinion of an idea they're floating.

The ace up his sleeve

NEW YORK (CNN) -- This past weekend, Republican Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, the influential chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, seemed to throw cold water on President Bush's hopes for major Social Security change. And recent polls have shown that the public is also cool to the idea of private accounts, arguably the central element of President Bush's Social Security plan.

But as the Social Security debate continues to unfold, do not underestimate President Bush's ability to still get his ideas enacted. Indeed, even without broad Congressional or public support, President Bush just may have an ace up his sleeve. How might he enact his private accounts idea without such support, you may ask? By executive order.

...When President Clinton failed to get his health care plan passed in the mid-1990s, he experimented with portions of his program via executive order.

Similarly, if President Bush ultimately fails to persuade Congress (especially centrist Senators) to back his private account plan, he may sign an executive order for a smaller version of his plan,

Critics of executive orders note that Congress and the courts rarely overturn such directives, thereby raising the specter of unchecked, un-reviewed and potentially even presidential abuse of power. Indeed, the Supreme Court has only overturned an executive order twice and Congress a mere four times in the past century.

Ladies and gentlemen, if Bush does this in the face of the overwhelming rejection of his push for privatization it will represent the biggest "Fuck all you little people" ever committed in American politics.

It would be like, "Yes I know I said this will make the very situation I said we need to fix worse. Yes, I've already admitted this has nothing to do with solvency.

"But I don't care. I don't care that it increases the debt...look at all the debt I've already piled up, you think a little more will stop me? I don't care that you don't like the idea...you're either part of the intelligent, educated sector of society (in which case I just don't care about you) or you're not (in which case you're incapable of framing an argument).

"So fuck you. I'm doing what I want to do with YOUR money."

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on March 30, 2005 - 4:02pm :: Economics

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I've been thinking on the mere thought this might happen prometheus and I'm thinking wouldn't this destroy Karl Roves ultimate goal of the PERMANENT Republican Majority??? That shit would be totally crazy and "dictator like".

Posted by  shugavery on March 30, 2005 - 10:50pm.

Executive Orders typically involve administrative changes within agencies like 'who reports to whom' and 'who shares information with whom'. That's why some of the CIA reforms were made prior to the legislation.

You would have to sedate Frist and the other Republican Presidential candidates should Bush attempt this.

Posted by  EG on March 31, 2005 - 12:05am.

Depends on how bad it gets. A limited enough program and a little insider information on which federal contracts go where (and no, I do NOT put it past them) would let the next president (because I'm convinced the strategy is already looking beyond Bush) point to a "successful" example.

I hesistate to describe how I would explain what I'm doing if I were Bush. Because it would work...and I'm not having that on my conscience.

Posted by  Prometheus 6 on March 31, 2005 - 12:09am.

Gimmie my money. Gimmie the money I already put into soc. sec.

Give me 100% in cash.


Give me 100% in federal tax credit.

Then "let me" take the 12.4% as I wish.

I'll settle for 50% in cash or tax credit and 6.2% investing how I want.

Posted by  DarkStar on March 31, 2005 - 1:21am.

My point stands.

Posted by  Prometheus 6 on March 31, 2005 - 1:43am.

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