Mind you, this threat is aimed at fellow Republicans

I mean, since Democrats have made suggestions that would actually achieve solvency Bush can't possibly be talking about them, right?


Bush Invites Critics to Show, Tell
The president warns there may be political repercussions for lawmakers who don't address Social Security's solvency problems.
By Warren Vieth
Times Staff Writer
March 31, 2005

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa   President Bush tried Wednesday to persuade congressional skeptics to back his approach to Social Security restructuring and invited critics to join him at the negotiating table.

Bush took his Social Security campaign to the home state of Republican Senate Finance Chairman Charles E. Grassley, who has expressed doubts about the prospects of passing restructuring legislation this year.

Midway through a 60-day barnstorming tour to promote his plan for letting younger workers divert part of their payroll taxes into personal investment accounts, Bush said lawmakers who tried to avoid dealing with Social Security might be held accountable by constituents.

"There's a political price for not getting involved in the process . There's a political price for saying it's not a problem," Bush said during a radio interview conducted in a restaurant booth in Cedar Rapids, seated with Grassley.

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on March 31, 2005 - 6:23am :: Economics

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I don't know how thick the bubble this man lives in. I have heard no one state Social Security doesn't have a problem. Most people say there is no crisis with Social Security. Is he ignorant or playing with words?

Then ... I love this ... he wants someone to put a plan on the table. The logic is pure Bush:

1. I cannot put a plan on the table because everyone know the first plan placed on the table will be shot down.
2. Everyone is welcome to place a plan on the table.
3. Ergo, whatever you place on the table, I will shoot down and my plan will win. (giggle, giggle, smirk, smirk)

It's like playing marbles with a five year old.

Posted by  EG on March 31, 2005 - 4:10pm.

Is he ignorant or playing with words?

Do I have to choose?

Posted by  Prometheus 6 on March 31, 2005 - 4:16pm.

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