I...don't think Ahnold can deliver California

by Prometheus 6
April 6, 2005 - 12:33pm.
on Politics

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CA Gov. 2006: "The Tipping Point" (LIVEblog Part 1)
Posted by
Tim Tagaris

This is one thing I love about California, and San Francisco in particular, they don't play around. Bob Brigham is on-the-ground right now, phoning in updates from a large scale protest against California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. The event: Arnold's $1,000 to $100,000 a plate fundraiser. Bob referenced it in a post earlier today, here are the updates. It looks like Govenator's re-election will not be as smooth as many anticipate:

Bob says that there are easily 3000 people there right now, and they are all over the place. He counted at least 10 telvision news trucks, 30 photographers, and 2 helicopters constantly circling overhead. He said he couldn't tell what the plane flying above had on it's banner, because it was directly overhead (that made me laugh). He told me that this is nothing short of a rock concert atmosphere.

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Submitted by Chris (not verified) on April 6, 2005 - 6:30pm.

A slightly different take than the (imho somewhat exaggerated) Swing State Project article is at Marching Orders. Come by and check it out.