Trent Lott on This Week

by Prometheus 6
April 17, 2005 - 10:45am.
on Media | Politics

Interesting response to Frist's problems.

TL: You can't extrapolate what one alleged leader or potential leader of this group says to Senator Bill Frist.

But you can extrapolate the Senator's views from the groups he chooses to visit.

Nice line not only excuses Bill Frist but provides rhetorical cover for his cohort's neoconfederate organization appearances.

Immediately afterward George Stephanopolis asked Senator Lott a direct question. Watch the artful dodge:

GS: Do you believe Senator Schumer and other Democrats are using the filibuster against people of faith?

TL: People of faith have been abused, I don't think it's because of their faith.

GS: By whom?

TL: Ah, well, no, a lot of the nominees were men and women, or are men and women of strong faith, now, remember what I said, people of faith were abused, but not perhaps because of their faith., although people do get nervous about a pattern that sets in there, but here's the thing about Frist. As you said, Democrats have talked to church groups, uh, Bill Frist uh, in fact the Democrats so far have done a better job of describing what's at stake here with this filibustering of federal judges, Bill Frist is trying to activate and go everywhere he can, I think it's like Senator Schumer said, you ought to talk to any group, every group, anywhere, everywhere, every time you can. He ought to go, he ought to make his case, he should make it in a responsible way without questioning people's motives and I think he will.

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Submitted by EG on April 17, 2005 - 9:40pm.

I used to listen to C-SPAN radio which plays Make the Press, ABC's This Week, Fox's Sunday Show, CNN Late Edition, and Face the Nation, all without commercials. When these bozos run from one program to the next, you notice the questions and the responses are all the same. Most of the hosts have little knowlege of the topic and allow the guests to dodge un-scripted questions. It became apparent I wasted my time listening to all of them since the topics covered were nearly identical (for example, this weeks's theme: DeLay and the nuclear option). The guests appear, pre-programmed to respond with talking points. The rare time someone attempts to clarify a talking point, 'ahs' and 'uhs' get captured in the transcripts.

These programs clearly demonstrate how useless the press has become in covering an issue and getting any useful information from officials and leaders.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on April 18, 2005 - 1:55pm.

Yeah, I noticed that and it's why I don't watch Late Edition. Face the Nation was an option but it's that or Meet the Press, not both. And when the White House boys start makingthe rounds I watch one then play DVDs the rest of Sunday morning.

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