Don't blame me, I didn't vote for Bush

by Prometheus 6
April 18, 2005 - 4:42pm.
on Politics

Once Moderates Built Bridges; Now They Must Burn Them
Ronald Brownstein
Washington Outlook
April 18, 2005

...During the contentious Foreign Relations hearings last week, Chafee gave every indication he intended to back Bolton. Chafee says he's waiting to hear all the evidence. But his press secretary, Stephen Hourahan, says the senator "is inclined" to give Bush his choice at the U.N. Yet Chafee also made it abundantly clear last week that Bolton would not be his choice. "I wish this wasn't the nominee to the United Nations," Chafee said plaintively.

Chafee's lament captured a dynamic much larger than the struggle over Bolton. This is a miserable moment for centrist senators. They are caught between a president pursuing an aggressive, even crusading, conservative agenda and a Democratic Party fighting ferociously to block it. That frequently leaves the centrists, like Chafee with Bolton, wishing for an alternative that isn't available.

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Submitted by jab (not verified) on April 19, 2005 - 2:13am.

What is up with the supposed moderates in the GOP?
Why don't they show any backbone and stand-up against this administration on the really eggregious things, like Bolton.
I'm specifically referring to the northeastern Republicans like Chafee, Olympia Snow, Susan Collins, etc..