This is what I want you to do

by Prometheus 6
April 24, 2005 - 10:05am.
on For the Democrats

Comb the newspapers for every example of Conservatives talking about how the Democratic Party is dependant on the Black vote.

Exchange every instance of "Democratic" and "Republican," and replace "Black" with "radical Christian."

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Submitted by PTCruiser on April 25, 2005 - 1:55am.
...and what you will discover is that there is no opprobrium attached at all to the Republican Party for relying so heavily on the votes of white evangelical Christians but the Democrats get beaten like government mules or unwanted stepchildren for having the same relationship with black voters. Since African Americans, according to every poll, proclaim a higher degree of religious affinity and affiliation than any other group of American voters the only real solution lies in switching or altering terms. The Democrats should begin referring to their black supporters as "Black Christian Voters" and proudly declare that the one group in America with the highest percentage of voters declaring a belief in God supports the Democratic Party. We all know, however, that the Democrats will never do this because they are covertly ashamed of the support they receive from black voters. Black people represent the proverbial Scarlet Letter for Democrats. They can't win without black voters but they wish that blacks would stop reminding them of this fact. To Democrats we're like Strom Thurmond's daughter.

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