Oh, you can answer...

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 1, 2005 - 2:06am.
on Justice

The Shoot-First State

LET'S SAY that you're behind the wheel and think someone wants to carjack your automobile and cause you bodily harm. Or suppose you get into a dispute with another shopper over a place in the supermarket's checkout line, and the shopper's aggressive behavior causes you to fear imminent peril. In both cases, you could -- and common sense suggests that you should -- retreat or back away from the scene if it can be done safely. But in Florida under a measure passed overwhelmingly by the state legislature last week, you would no longer have a duty to escape or retreat before resorting to the use of deadly force. The bill, signed into law Tuesday by Gov. Jeb Bush (R), will allow people in Florida -- without fear of criminal prosecution or civil action -- to shoot, stab or pummel to death anyone who causes them to fear for their lives outside of their homes, on the street, or in their cars or businesses. It's called the "Castle Doctrine," meaning your body, not just your home, is your castle and that you can stand your ground and meet force with force virtually anywhere if you reasonably believe injury or death might occur. A retired police officer in St. Petersburg, writing in the St. Petersburg Times, described the legislature's bill as the "citizens' right to shoot others on the street if they feel threatened" and asked, "Are they nuts?" That, we cannot answer.

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Submitted by Riggsveda (not verified) on May 1, 2005 - 6:48am.
I'd like to extend that argument to the point where my body is my castle for purposes of obtaining an abortion or birth control or palliative end-of-life treatement if I need them, and anyone who stands in my way--Operation Rescue, Pharmacists for Life, Concerned Women for America, George W. Bush--may be threatening my sovereignty and thus possibly my life.  I very much like the thought of that, and even more, of shoving it down the reactionary right's throat far enough to shut the whole movement up for awhile and give the rest of us some peace.
Submitted by Ourstorian on May 2, 2005 - 12:38pm.

In Bush's "ownership society," your body and soul belongs to the State; unless, of course, you are one of the "elite" members of the Bush Crime Cartel.