On ritual sacrifice

by Prometheus 6
May 5, 2005 - 7:09am.
on Race and Identity

That's what I think all this tracking down of past heroes of the Segregationist South is. It's as if the Old Testament deity middle America worships told Abraham's son to sacrifice his father.

Quote of note:

Though the five-year statute of limitations in effect in 1955 means no federal charges could be brought, Mississippi state charges could still apply, Acosta said.

Body of Emmett Till to be exhumed
By Don Babwin
The Associated Press

CHICAGO   Nearly 50 years after 14-year-old Emmett Till's slaying shocked a nation and galvanized the civil rights movement, his body will be exhumed as federal authorities attempt to determine who killed him, the FBI said today.

Till's body, buried in a cemetery in the Chicago suburb of Alsip, will be exhumed within the next few weeks so the Cook County Medical Examiner's office can conduct an autopsy, said Deborah Madden, spokeswoman for the FBI's office in Jackson, Miss.

The U.S. Justice Department announced plans last year to reopen the Till investigation, saying it was triggered by several pieces of information including a documentary by New York filmmaker Keith Beauchamp.

"The exhumation is a logical continuation of that," Madden said. "An autopsy was never performed on the body and the cause of death was never determined."

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Submitted by Ben G. on May 5, 2005 - 6:06pm.
When you say ritual sacrifice, is your point that the cases are pursued as if we'll somehow finally "absolve" ourselves of American racism by placing some old murderers behind bars for the last few years of their lives? Would be nice if that would do the trick, wouldn't it...
Submitted by cnulan on May 5, 2005 - 6:45pm.

whole new generations of freshly dehumanized serial killers are being seasoned in the desert and in the pokey - even as we speak..., what good is an old provincial enforcer anyway? it's bout time those old oxygen-thieving buzzards got shot off the shit wagon and turned into glue. if they can be leveraged for a little brand management gain, you know that the Murkan Sith will milk that for all it's worth.

can't you hear the conservatives crowing about justice "being served" already? "cause we're uniters, not dividers - can't you progressive Murka haters just let bygones be bygones?"

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 5, 2005 - 7:46pm.

When you say ritual sacrifice, is your point that the cases are pursued as if we'll somehow finally "absolve" ourselves of American racism by placing some old murderers behind bars for the last few years of their lives?

I believe that's the intent, yes.

Would be nice if that would do the trick, wouldn't it...

Reparations would work too... 

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