You know what? Fuck Godwin's Law

by Prometheus 6
May 17, 2005 - 3:18pm.
on Race and Identity

This shit continued waaaaaaaay beyond WW II.

Here. In the good ol' US of A.

Quote of note:

Riddick went on to earn a college degree and raise the son she had at 14. He now is an engineering consultant.

State Secret: Thousands Secretly Sterilized
N.C. Woman Among 65,000 Sterilized by Gov't., Often Without Their Knowledge, in 20th Century

May. 15, 2005 - Beneath the surface of this Southern town, with its lush evergreens and winding riverbanks, is a largely forgotten legacy of pain, secrecy and human indignity.

"My heart still bleeds, and it will forever bleed, because of what had happened to me," local resident Elaine Riddick said.

Riddick was one of thousands of people secretly sterilized by the state between 1929 and 1974.

From the early 1900s to the 1970s, some 65,000 men and women were sterilized in this country, many without their knowledge, as part of a government eugenics program to keep so-called undesirables from reproducing.

"The procedures that were done here were done to poor folks," said Steven Selden, professor at the University of Maryland. "They were thought to be poor because they had bad genes or bad inheritance, if you will. And so they would be the focus of the sterilization."

Sterilized Without Her Knowledge

Riddick was raped and became pregnant at the age of 13. Social workers labeled her promiscuous and too feeble-minded to ever be a responsible parent. So, after giving birth in 1968, Riddick was sterilized without being told.

She learned the truth years later, when she married and tried to have more children.

"They took so much away from me," Riddick said. "They took away my spirit and my soul."

North Carolina sterilized close to 8,000 women in hospitals across the state.

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Submitted by DarkStar on May 18, 2005 - 2:22am.

About 3 years ago I found out a woman I know suffered this fate. She had just found out about it herself.

Submitted by jass (not verified) on May 18, 2005 - 3:27am.



Submitted by dwshelf on May 18, 2005 - 4:51am.

There is another side to this issue.

Notice this quote: N.C. Woman Among 65,000 Sterilized by Gov't., Often Without Their Knowledge, in 20th Century

Consider that word "often".

There are girls who go off track, due to mental illness, bad reaction to sexual abuse, or something else, becoming promiscuous, and runaways at 15.  During the era under discussion, they were frequently sent to mental institutions, because it appeared they needed some kind of protection, and no one had a better idea.

Once they hit the funny farm, they started having sex around there.  Mental hospitals of the day were not particularly prisons.  They allowed reasonably behaving people to intermingle, and such a girl was bound to get pregnant real fast.  Now what?  Recall that abortion was illegal, and illegal abortion was seldom an option within an institution.

I'm not at all trying to justify involuntary sterilization, but voluntary sterilization was an available option, sometimes pushed as a carrot/stick decision.  And, of course, some of those girls remember the story a bit differently than it happened, while others resent the conditions under which they volunteered, and feel entitled to describe the event as involuntary.

I don't doubt that what is being described here occurred.  I do believe it was not the norm, the result of some dogooder run amuck.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 18, 2005 - 5:10am.

During the era under discussion

Go back and read Darkstar's comment. 

Submitted by dwshelf on May 18, 2005 - 6:06am.

I interpreted Darkstar as to be explaining that someone had been sterilized before 1974, but had only figured it out recently.

I understand that this phenomenom went out along with the large state mental institutions.  If it has occurred recently, that's news.

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