Want to save a quick $2 billion?

by Prometheus 6
May 18, 2005 - 9:05am.
on Economics

Medicare to pay $2 bln for impotence drugs - study
16 May 2005 23:28:18 GMT
Source: Reuters

WASHINGTON, May 16 (Reuters) - The U.S. government will spend nearly $2 billion over the next decade to pay for impotence drugs for elderly and disabled patients under Medicare, according to a congressional estimate released on Monday.

Rep. Steve King, an Iowa Republican who has written legislation to outlaw Medicare coverage for "recreational sex drugs," said the Congressional Budget Office had tallied the costs of Pfizer Inc.'s Viagra and other medicines to enhance sexual performance. Medicare will start broad prescription drug coverage in January.

"The Medicare system is already strained, and taxpayers shouldn't have to foot the bill for drugs that aren't medically necessary," King said in a statement.

Medicare is the federal health insurance program that covers 43 million elderly and disabled Americans. The White House projects the total cost of covering prescription drugs over the next decade at $724 billion.

Medicare is required by law to help pay for drugs that a doctor deems "medically necessary," including drugs to treat impotence, said Gary Karr, a spokesman for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

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Submitted by Mary (not verified) on May 19, 2005 - 8:18am.

Yeah but we need to enhance male virility and limit woman's options while creating a larger population of the economically challenged, reducing educational funding, and increasing the budget for military recruiting so as to supply the warprofiteers with more soldiers for their unending wars...the pharmaceutical companies are paid handsomely to pick up the social mess while their CEOs enjoy sailing on their yachts....
But, what the heck do I know?...
(I'm just the "only Grandmother in the universe successfully running Linux"....Just quoting you from a comment you made about me quite some time ago...lol)
Anyway, there's definitely an agenda here...

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