You want to talk audacity?

by Prometheus 6
May 19, 2005 - 6:39pm.
on People of the Word

Oliver Willis has audio and video clips showing Rick "Man-on-Dog-Sex" Santorum claiming Democrats are like Nazis because they want to respect the Senate rules.

The audacity of some members to stand up and say, how dare you break this rule. It's the equivalent of Adolf Hitler in 1942 "I'm in Paris. How dare you invade me, how dare you bomb my city? It's mine."

Yes, Republicans are bombing the city.

But they own the city. It's more like Hitler bombing himself.

Or, it's like a hypocrite being...a hypocrite.

"Senator Byrd's inappropriate remarks comparing his Republican colleagues with Nazis are inexcusable," Santorum said in a statement yesterday. "These comments lessen the credibility of the senator and the decorum of the Senate. He should retract his statement and ask for pardon."

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Submitted by fullnelson on May 20, 2005 - 5:31pm.

It's good that many Americans are starting to realize what hypocrites the Rethugs are, and the fillibuster issue is no exception. Ain't it ironic that when they finally choose to detonate the "nuclear option," one of their first nominees is an African American female (a two-fer, some would say); they love the prospect of labelling the predictable Democratic opposition to this kook's nomination as "racist." Historically, Senate Repubs have been vicious in attacking Blacks and women nominated by Clinton; when Republicans controlled the Senate in his administration, 45% of his district court nominees were never confirmed. Doesn't matter one lick whether Repubs used the fillibuster to accomplish this; fact is their claim of constitutional entitlement to an up or down vote on every nominee is just bullshit. Repubs regularly made Democratic nominees wait months and months for a hearing before the Judiciary Committee, and in notable cases denied the nominees of a hearing altogether. Funny, but I didn't hear Repubs talking about their "right" to an up or down vote over the FOUR YEARS the nominations of Judges Helene White and Richard Paez were delayed, or the 2 1/2 years Judge Ronnie White had to wait for a hearing.

These people will say anything to get and maintain their power. They have no shame.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 21, 2005 - 11:39am.

Ain't it ironic that when they finally choose to detonate the "nuclear option," one of their first nominees is an African American female (a two-fer, some would say); they love the prospect of labelling the predictable Democratic opposition to this kook's nomination as "racist."

Yeah, I linked an article from OpinionJournal yesterday titled Democrats Nuke Party Beliefs To Stop Women because the damn thing was so ridiculous. Because THEY react in knee-jerk fashion to minorities and women they expect EVERYONE to do so.

Classic case of projection.

Submitted by dwshelf on May 21, 2005 - 5:48pm.

Historically, Senate Repubs have been vicious in attacking Blacks and women nominated by Clinton;

Either they're "blacks and women" or they're "partisan nominees".  Whichever you pick, you have to pick the same in both contrexts.   If the Republicans were attacking "blacks and women", then so are the Democrats today.  Personally, I see them all as partisans, and don't blame the other side for objecting on partisan grounds; the gender and race thing is secondary at most.

when Republicans controlled the Senate in his administration, 45% of his district court nominees were never confirmed.

The Republicans had a majority.   That's the nature of the Senate controlled by one party, and the presidency controlled by the other.  Some suggest that we should vote to achieve such tension.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 21, 2005 - 8:52pm.

Either they're "blacks and women" or they're "partisan nominees".  Whichever you pick, you have to pick the same in both contrexts.   If the Republicans were attacking "blacks and women", then so are the Democrats today.

Nonsense. There's no reason to assume two different entities will use the same terms to judge a single thing.


Submitted by dwshelf on May 22, 2005 - 2:45am.

here's no reason to assume two different entities will use the same terms to judge a single thing.

Agreed.  The claim is that any given single entity, say you, me, or fullnelson, is logically required to describe the actions of both parties without redefining terms inbetween. 

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 22, 2005 - 3:46am.

That doesn't prevent the one person from observing two entities have different motives.


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