He should have borrowed Dubya's teleprompter

by Prometheus 6
May 20, 2005 - 1:34pm.
on Politics

Quote of note:

The Republican Jewish Coalition applauded the statement. "Sen. Santorum is sensitive to the effect of his words and the inappropriateness of the analogy," Executive Director Matthew Brooks said.

If that were the case he never would have made the statement.


Santorum Regrets Making Hitler Comment
Senate Leaders Prepare to Start Countdown to Vote Over Whether to Stop Judicial Filibusters
By JESSE J. HOLLAND Associated Press Writer
The Associated Press

May. 20, 2005 - Sen. Rick Santorum says he "meant no offense" by referring to Adolf Hitler while defending the GOP's right to ban judicial filibusters as Senate leaders prepared to start a countdown Friday to a vote over whether to stop minority senators from blocking President Bush's judicial nominees.

"Referencing Hitler was meant to dramatize the principle of an argument, not to characterize my Democratic colleagues," Santorum, the No. 3 Republican in the GOP leadership in the Senate, said of his remarks Thursday.

Passions have been running high as senators argue over whether Republicans should allow the out-of-power Democrats to use Senate filibusters to effectively thwart President Bush from reshaping the nation's courts to his liking.

Republican John Warner and Democrat Robert Byrd are trying to avert that showdown, but Senate centrists have not been able to compromise on controversial nominees like Texas Supreme Court Justice Priscilla Owen.

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Submitted by ptcruiser on May 20, 2005 - 10:39pm.

I don't, of course, agree with Santorum's viewpoints about much of anything and he is one of my senators. No, that is not quite correct. He is one of the U.S. Senators representing the state where I live. That's better. I am surprised, however, that things have reached a point in terms of the right-wing's political correctness stance that one now needs approval to use Hitler's name in whatever disparaging simile, metaphor or analogy one damn well pleases to use. What a crock. I didn't know that Hitler and the damage he caused only belongs to Jews. I bet there are a lot of Jews who would be quite surprised at this as well.

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