Why not? We're going to be there at least another five years,might as well stop pretending we're not running the show

by Prometheus 6
May 20, 2005 - 5:08pm.
on War

U.S. Moves to Reassert Itself in Iraq Affairs
As insurgent attacks grow, American officials are returning to a more active role to improve services and foster an inclusive government.
By Paul Richter and Ashraf Khalil
Times Staff Writers
May 20, 2005

WASHINGTON   Facing an intensifying insurgency and a frail government in Baghdad, the Bush administration has reluctantly changed course to deepen its involvement in the process of running Iraq.

U.S. officials are taking a more central and visible role in mediating among political factions, pushing for the government to be more inclusive and helping resuscitate public services. At the same time, Washington is maintaining pressure on Iraqi officials to upgrade the nation's fledgling security forces.

The change comes at a time when confidence in the leaders elected in Januaryhas been falling and U.S. officials have grown more pessimistic about how soon Iraqi security forces will be able to take charge of the counterinsurgency effort.

Both before and after the election, the Bush administration tried to scale back its role and shift decisions to the Iraqi leadership. U.S. officials had feared that a continued high profile might prove counterproductive, giving the impression that Iraqi government leaders were not acting independently.

But in recent weeks,as formation of the new government inched along and the insurgency escalated, some Iraqi officials began telling the Americans that they needed more support and mediation to overcome differences among factions,U.S. and Iraqi officials said.

"These are Iraqi issues. But that doesn't mean we can't make use of American experience and friendly advice," said Karim Khutar Almusawi of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq, a leading Shiite Muslim political party.

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Submitted by ptcruiser on May 20, 2005 - 10:28pm.

Five years, my man? We're still in Germany and Okinawa and that war has been over 60 years.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 21, 2005 - 12:27am.

I stand corrected.

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