Week of August 17, 2003 to August 23, 2003

On racial justice II - Honor

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 23, 2003 - 8:01pm.
on Race and Identity

Natalie Davis at All Facts and Opinions has a personal approach that I respect for its morality and consistency. My own approach is not moral; it is ethical, and rational. I find Natalie's approach is not incompatible with mine but mine may be incompatible with hers.

This sort of thing troubles me on a certain level. I always feel like I'm yelling at someone that I really don't mean to offend.

On racial justice I - Ogres

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 23, 2003 - 8:00pm.
on Race and Identity

A number of posts on race and racial justice have come to my attention this week and I've been chomping at the bit to comment on some of them. At first I was going to deal with them all in a single post but I decided that rooted in vengeance over being traumatized by a lot of really long entries this weekend.

Nurse Ratched at Nurse Ratched's Notebook has written a long post on racism that uses a metaphor that I think captures the effect better than the cause, but metaphors are always imperfect. She suggests a three part response that I feel is the beginning of a solution…but only a beginning.

Next time someone calls you an asshat

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 23, 2003 - 11:22am.
on News

… send them here so they can see what it really looks like.

The new place

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 23, 2003 - 7:51am.
on News

Well, how do you like it?

I'm rather pleased with things. New domain name, which ought to get me more respect from the search engines. The site can be searched, so I can really use it as an extra brain lobe. Integral commenting system, trackbacks, all the Moveable Type goodness you've come to expect, in a new flavor.

I've learned a lot in a little time, and there's more I will learn about this software. Moveable Type has a lot of possibilities, but few will need me to explain that. I've got some non-default goodies under the hood here that I want to tell you about that you may fawn obsequiously over them.

Of course, since I did the conversion myself there's a few avoidable weirdnesses.


Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 22, 2003 - 6:53am.
on Old Site Archive

Al-Muhajabah provides excellent links to vital history and information about this West African city:

For many people, the name Timbuktu evokes ideas of a mythical city, inaccessible but wealthy in gold.

Timbuktu is an actual city in Mali in West Africa. Its heyday was from the 1200s to the 1500s when it was the capital of the Empire of Mali.

Timbuktu was also home to the University of Sankore, which was at that time one of the major universities in the world and one of the major centers of Islamic learning. At its peak, it had 25,000 students. An interesting fact is that it was founded by a woman.

Check her out (I'm not stealing her links, you have to go there).

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/22/2003 10:53:42 AM |

More slow bloggingThis time because

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 22, 2003 - 3:22am.
on Old Site Archive

More slow blogging

This time because I'm working on the conversion to Moveable Type. I'll actually do the conversion this weekend, I just need to set some things up. For instance, all my static pages have links back to this Blogger site and I need to change that.

I also want to tweak a the templates a bit, I've found most of the things I thought were plug-ins are doable with creative templating and Javascript. Basically I want to have comments and any possible trackbacks show up together. There's a really cool looking plug-in that makes it easy to have them in nice chronological order but just lumping the trackbacks togeter at the end of the comments is pretty straightforward. I also want to have the expanding post trick. I don't know how often I'll be using the extended text thing, but I like the effect.

Other than that, I'm not planning any functional surprises. I like things simple. I think the new site looks cooler, though.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/22/2003 07:22:06 AM |

Flood the Zone FridaysFor Immediate

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 22, 2003 - 1:29am.
on Old Site Archive

Flood the Zone Fridays

For Immediate Release
August 22, 2003

Uniting, Not Dividing

(Internet) – In his first bipartisan act since taking office, President Bush released new grassroots organizing tools on his public website that can be used by all Americans, regardless of party. Recognizing the Bush Administration's effort to promote and further the public discourse in the lead-up to the 2004 election, NotGeniuses.com is proud to announce the very first "Flood the Zone" Friday. Every Friday, thousands of Americans will gather on George Bush's website to tell the media what they think about a predefined part of his record, this week's subject is Fiscal (Ir)Responsibility.

“We’re just pleased that we could find something to work with the President on,” explained Ezra Klein, one of the hosts of “Flood the Zone Fridays” at NotGeniuses.com. “Recently, prominent blogs asked their readers to name three good things Bush has done while in office. We don’t know about three, but we can name one.”

A weekly event, Flood the Zone Fridays is holding its first event this week, focusing on Bush’s efforts at job creation and improving the economy.

Some people at FreeRepublic.com and other conservative outlets have attacked NotGeniuses.com for organizing this event, believing it to be childish. “Frankly, we find the attacks somewhat surprising,” said Mr. Klein. “Our President has issued a clear call for Americans to enter into a dialogue with the media over his record, and we are simply heeding that call. Our friends at FreeRepublic.com are welcome to participate in "Flood the Zone" Fridays and disseminate their opinions.”

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/22/2003 05:29:58 AM |

But this is too important to wait

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 21, 2003 - 7:10am.
on Race and Identity

From Crooked Timber

With apoligies for stealing the whole post.

Incarceration and the Labor Market
Posted by Kieran
Devah Pager has won this year’s Dissertation Award from the American Sociological Association. (I wrote about her work last year. It’s worth mentioning again.) Devah studies the effect of incarceration on labor market outcomes. Her approach was to conduct an audit study of employers, sending in applications for real jobs using vitas for matched pairs of black and white men. The abstract of a working paper from the study says, in part:

With over 2 million individuals currently incarcerated, and over half a million prisoners released each year, the large and growing numbers of men being processed through the [U.S.] criminal justice system raises important questions about the consequences of this massive institutional intervention. This paper focuses on the consequences of incarceration for the employment outcomes of black and white job seekers. … By using matched pairs of individuals to apply for real entry- level jobs, it becomes possible to directly measure the extent to which a criminal record in the absence of other disqualifying characteristics serves as a barrier to employment among equally qualified applicants. I find that a criminal record is associated with a 50 percent reduction in employment opportunities for whites and a 64 percent reduction for blacks.
Pager found that blacks “are less than half as likely to receive consideration by employers relative to their white counterparts, and black non-offenders fall behind even whites with prior felony convictions.” In other words, even though being black and having served time both negatively affect one’s employment opportunities, controlling for education and skills you are better off being a white male with a felony conviction than a black male with no criminal record.

To put Devah’s work in context, take a look at Bruce Western’s research in this area. “How Unregulated Is the U.S. Labor Market? The Penal System as a Labor Market Institution” is a good place to start. It’s a comparative macro-sociological account of what’s been happening to the U.S. penal system. A recent working paper co-authored with Becky Pettit, “Inequality in Lifetime Risks of Incarceration” estimates risk of imprisonment by race and education. Here’s the abstract:

Although growth in the U.S. prison population over the last 25 years has been widely discussed, few studies examine changes in inequality in imprisonment. We study penal inequality by estimating lifetime risks of imprisonment for black and white men at di erent levels of education. Combining administrative, survey, and census data, we estimate that among men born 1965–69, 3 percent of whites and 20 percent of blacks will have served time in prison by their early thirties. The risks of incarceration are highly stratified by education. Among black men born 1965–69, 30 percent of those without college education and nearly 60 percent of high school dropouts went to prison by 1999. The novel pervasiveness of imprisonment indicates the emergence of incarceration as a new stage in the life course of young low-skill black men.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/21/2003 11:10:28 AM |

Reality callsGonna be slow up

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 21, 2003 - 7:01am.
on Old Site Archive

Reality calls

Gonna be slow up in here today.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/21/2003 11:01:52 AM |

I might have to change

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 20, 2003 - 6:09pm.
on Old Site Archive

I might have to change the banner of my blog

At the top of this page I say no one is fair and balanced, but I just realized I'm wrong.

I'm fair and balanced.

Did I not just compliment two conservatives for their positions on agricultual subsidies and racial profiling?

Did I not just accept several points made by another conservative I did not support?

Did I not just point out African efforts to correct a human rights situation AND another human rights situation they need to address?

Did I not post another article challenging the immediate importance of a unified monetary system for Africa, which I also blogged about?

Even in this very post, I admit to being wrong! I mean, you can't get more fair and balanced than that, can you?

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/20/2003 10:09:35 PM |

Less fun with conservatives

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 20, 2003 - 4:37pm.
on Race and Identity
[Eugene Volokh, 3:54 PM]

"The Conservative Case Against Racial Profiling" is an article by Nelson Lund, a George Mason law professor and a real conservative, as opposed to a squish like me. I thought it was a very interesting piece, and I asked him to put it on the Web; it just came up, so I'm pointing people to it. Special bonus: It's only 15 pages long, quite humane as law review articles go.

I like this too, but it's less fun because it's a PDF of scanned pages so I can't disassemble it into text so I can quote some of it for you. I read fast but I type slow (which is why my snarks are so concise).

If you don't want to read the 15 pages, take my word for it, it's good stuff. But you should read it; it's wonderful ammunition against wing-nuts. You can skip the footnotes and just be satisfied they're there, like I did.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/20/2003 08:37:13 PM |

More fun with conservativesJacob Levy

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 20, 2003 - 4:20pm.
on Old Site Archive

More fun with conservatives

Jacob Levy has a TNR article about agricultural protectionism.

…Agricultural protectionism--the combination of quotas, tariffs, and subsidies for farm products--may be the purest example of destructive special-interest politics ever created. Rich countries--with a few exceptions, such as Australia--burden their own populations three times over. The policies cost taxpayers directly--the atrocious 2002 U.S. farm bill is slated to cost $180 billion over ten years. (Worse, annual unbudgeted "emergency" farm spending during the late 1990s accounted for a great deal of the spending boom that squandered much of the predicted budget surplus long before the first Bush tax cut took effect.) In return for their largesse, taxpayers get the privilege of paying higher prices as consumers (and, of course, inflated prices for basic foodstuffs hit the poorest proportionately hardest). And, by locking up an excess of labor and capital in an agribusiness sector that couldn't turn an honest profit on its own, agricultural protectionism inhibits productivity growth, preventing shifts in employment and investment to more productive parts of the economy.

Still, the costs agricultural policies impose on their own societies are manageable in the huge economies of the developed world. The costs they impose on the rest of the world are often devastating. By shutting off access to developed countries' markets for the goods that developing countries are most likely to produce competitively, agricultural protectionism forecloses the most likely route to development and poverty alleviation. Moreover, the artificially high prices in the rich countries encourage overproduction there; the surplus gets exported at cut-rate prices, which not only makes it hard for developing countries to compete in export markets, it typically makes poor farmers uncompetitive in their home markets as well. And as farms go out of business, unemployed and underemployed farmers migrate to sprawling cities; but often there aren't many jobs available in the cities, either. (The next rung up the development ladder after agriculture is typically textiles, which is also the subject of massive protectionism.) In the end, the damage done to poor countries by the agricultural policies of the United States, the European Union, and Japan probably far outweighs the aid they gives those countries. Liberalizers have recently begun deploying this calucllation: In a world where more than a billion people, mostly the rural poor in the developing world, live on less than one dollar per day, every cow in the European Union receives an average daily subsidy of more than twice that.

I like.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/20/2003 08:20:47 PM |

Another view on a unified monetary system for Africa

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 20, 2003 - 3:39pm.
on Africa
African Money Good, But Fix Politics First
The Monitor (Kampala)
August 20, 2003

African central bank chiefs are mulling over the almost utopian thought of having a single currency for the continent. If for nothing else, the notion is a good one.

The 27th meeting of the Association of African Central Banks currently sitting in Kampala has also stated that the success of any proposed monetary union will be pegged on political backing from the respective governments.

Now, while there is on-going thinking around this idea, everyone involved must reflect on why almost all post-colonial regional bodies have ended up as talking shops for politicians with over-inflated egos.

Some Sub-Saharan African countries did try to set up an economic body, the Preferential Trade Area, in the 1980s but not very much has come out of it.

A new experiment is currently underway to revive the East African Community (EAC). The EAC collapsed in 1977 because of irreconcilable differences between the leaders of the three countries.

The Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas) appears to be the only example of anything near success. Ecowas has shown promise in handling political upheaval, first in Sierra Leone and now in Liberia.

At the July 8, 2002 launching of the African Union in Durban, South Africa, that country's President, Thabo Mbeki, said it is time for the continent to "take its rightful place in global affairs". He also said that through this body, which replaced the moribund Organisation of African Unity, the marginalisation of Africa would be fought.

Mbeki's pronouncement and the bankers' noises about monetary union can become a reality only after the continent fixes its politics. Today, most of the countries are stuck with corrupt dictators, either of the benevolent sort or the more common brutal variety. With this type of leadership in place, you do not expect to build a sustainable political foundation upon which economic integration can thrive.

We must first get rid of the predator regimes that are destroying many African countries before we can even begin to entertain thoughts of integration in all its aspects. To paraphrase a famous quote: It is the politics!

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/20/2003 07:39:39 PM |

Reasons why Africa needs to get it together

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 20, 2003 - 3:35pm.
on Africa
Reopen Dialogue On Consensus
The Post (Lusaka)
August 20, 2003

There's no alternative to regional integration. Chaos rules in our world, both within countries' borders and beyond.

Blind laws are offered up as divine norms that will bring peace, order, well-being and security our planet so badly needs. That is what they would have us believe while three dozen developed and wealthy nations monopolise economic, political and technological power, offering us the same recipes that have only served to make us poorer, more exploited and more dependent.

The poverty and underdevelopment prevailing in most of our nations as well as inequality in the distribution of wealth and knowledge in the world are basically at the source of the present conflicts.

It cannot be forgotten that our current underdevelopment and poverty have resulted from conquest, colonisation, slavery and plunder by the colonial powers and from the emergence of imperialism and the brutal wars motivated by new divisions of the world.

We must be aware of what we have been so far and what we cannot continue to be. There's nothing in the existing economic and political order that can serve our interests. Currently, we have accumulated enough knowledge and ethical values to move toward a new historical era of true justice and humanism.

People frequently talk about the horrors of the holocaust and the genocides that have taken place throughout the last century, but they forget that every year as a result of the current economic order, millions of people starve to death or die of preventable diseases.

They can wield statistics of apparently positive growth, but in the end things in our part of the world remain the same or even worsen. Growth often rests on the accumulation of consumer goods that contribute nothing to true development or to a better distribution of wealth.

The truth is that after several decades of neoliberalism, the rich are becoming increasingly rich while the poor are both more numerous and increasingly poor.

We have meditated a lot on these problems and have come to the conclusion that a high level of unity is required among countries if have to face what appears to be a sombre future with hope.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/20/2003 07:35:54 PM |

More signs Africa needs to get it together

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 20, 2003 - 3:32pm.
on Africa
SUDAN: Special Report on women in the south

© UNICEF/Stevie Mann (2002)

Southern Sudanese mother attending a special class for women who have missed out on schooling

NAIROBI, 20 Aug 2003 (IRIN) - While the international community watches Sudan's leaders edge closer to a peace deal, the average southern Sudanese woman, although desperate for peace, has more immediate concerns.

Historic under-development, over 20 years of war, and inequalities in traditional power structures have left southern women in a precarious position - they now suffer some of the poorest quality of life indicators in the world.

In some war-affected areas the rate of maternal deaths rises as high as 865 per 100,000 births, according to a UNICEF-sponsored study by Nimila Chawla entitled, “From Survival to Thrival: Children and Women in the Southern Part of Sudan”. This compares with a rate of 550 per 100,000 births across the whole of Sudan, as reported in the UN Human Development Report for 2003.

In addition, estimates made by a group of major aid agencies in 1998 suggest the literacy rate among women in parts of southern Sudan could be as low as 10 percent. Even among literate women only a small number have had the luxury of attending secondary school.

Apart from deprivations resulting directly from war and underdevelopment, a drastic reduction in the male population in some areas has placed additional responsibilities on many of the women left behind.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/20/2003 07:32:36 PM |

More signs Africa is trying to pull it together

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 20, 2003 - 3:30pm.
on Africa
Africans will tell Swazi king to shape up
August 20, 2003, 08:31 PM

Southern African leaders will urge Swaziland's king to improve human rights and governance in sub-Saharan Africa's last absolute monarchy when they meet next week

Aziz Pahad, South Africa's deputy foreign minister, said the 14-member Southern African Development Community (SADC) was concerned that political freedoms were being curtailed and the rule of law ignored in the landlocked kingdom.

"Clearly one issue that will be discussed is resolving the Swaziland issue, which is becoming a very serious problem and a major concern for SADC," Pahad told a news briefing in Pretoria.

"SADC and the Commonwealth are involved in trying to ease tensions there. The president of Mozambique is also talking to Swaziland's King Mswati about the issue," he said.

Opposition parties, which are illegal in Swaziland, and trade unions have become increasingly vocal in demanding greater democracy and limits to the king's power.

The SADC trade bloc comprises South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Botswana, Namibia, Angola, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Seychelles, Mauritius, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Mozambique and Malawi.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/20/2003 07:30:46 PM |

Compassionate Conservatism means…Talking to Black

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 20, 2003 - 3:28pm.
on Old Site Archive

Compassionate Conservatism means…

Talking to Black folks. Maybe even touching one.

via Daily Kos

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/20/2003 07:28:27 PM |

Watch where you stepReading the

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 20, 2003 - 3:25pm.
on Old Site Archive

Watch where you step

Reading the right is interesting when you have a good guide to steer you around the deeper piles of poop.

When Adam Cohen ragged on the radical court nominees put forth by the radical Bush administration the other day I was like, "Okay." It was all rhetoric, but in support of a position I agree with (that these radicals should be denied the appointments).

Today, via the Volokh Conspiracy I saw an interesting response to the article.

The response has five parts:
1-A complaint that it's rhetoric rather than reason…that it implies this and that by the juxtaposition of certain statements. When I read such implications by right-leaning pundits, I disregard them and root out the meat of the piece. One can choose to get all hot and bothers about it if one wishes, I suppose.
2-A defense of Michael McConnell's argument that the Supreme Court was wrong to rule that the equal protection clause required legislative districts with roughly equal numbers of people that enumerates the prime reasons for that argument.
3-A defense of Jay Bybee's argument that the 17th Amendment should be repealed, which defense amounted to, "I'm not familiar with the argument but he might be right because the Founding Fathers might have had a reason for not considering it."
4-A defense of William Pryor's suggestion to Congress to repeal part of the Voting Rights Act, which defense amounted to 'I know nothing about the Voting Rights Act but someone I trust agrees with Pryor."
5-A defense of Uncle Clarence's argument that the First Amendment may not apply to states under certain circumstances, which defense I will not summarize just yet.

I'm not interested in points 1, 3 and 4 because no argument was presented.

Point 2, though…

Cohen then attempts to tie it all together by providing a laundry list of the most offensive positions taken by Bush nominees:
One Bush choice for the courts, Michael McConnell, now a federal appeals court judge, has argued that the Supreme Court was wrong to rule that the equal protection clause required legislative districts with roughly equal numbers of people.
Yes, he has, in his article, The Redistricting Cases: Original Mistakes And Current Consequences, 24 Harv. J.L. & Pub. Pol'y 103 (2000). And he produced a host of reasons for this conclusion: First, there is no evidence that the Equal Protection Clause was intended to apply to voting rights at all.

Several other points were raised that I actually have no issue with. But if we're working with original intent, I want it applied to all cases where the Equal Protection Clause was the deciding factor. That would be every decision that gave corporations their astounding level of privilege in this nation and society. And it would be every "reverse discrimination" case from Bakke forward, because the original intent of the amendment and its constituent clauses was to protect the rights of newly freed slaves and their descendants from the tyranny of the majority. Any decision for any other group based on this amendment should be reversed.

IF we're talking original intent, that is (a point a commenter implied as well).

And point 5:

Pryor did suggest in congressional testimony in 1997 that Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act should be amended or repealed. This is the section that requires DOJ "preclearance" whenever certain states do anything that might affect voting rights. I know little to nothing about the Voting Rights Act, so I'll refrain from speculating about whether Pryor's statement here was defensible. Still, I'd bet there's more to the story than Cohen lets on. (FYI: The Committee for Justice defends Pryor's testimony on pages 7-9 of this report.)
President Bush has said he wants to appoint judges like Clarence Thomas and Justice Scalia, both embarked on campaigns to undo years of constitutional progress. Justice Scalia advocates tying Americans' rights today to the prevailing wisdom of the 18th century. In a petulant dissent in the recent sodomy decision, he argued that gay sex can be criminalized now because it was a crime in the 13 original states. Justice Thomas offered the dangerous argument in last year's school voucher case that states should be less bound by the Bill of Rights than the federal government.
Wrong. Thomas's concurrence in Zelman v. Simmons-Harris argued that the Establishment Clause -- not the "Bill of Rights" as a whole -- "may well" have less application to state government activities that do not in themselves infringe on anyone's liberty (after all, the Fourteenth Amendment speaks of protecting "liberty"). Thomas's argument is a sophisticated one, and indeed quite a few legal scholars* have noted the conceptual difficulties in applying the Establishment Clause to the states, given that one of the original purposes of the Clause was precisely to protect state governments from federal interference. In any event, Cohen is flat-out misrepresenting Thomas's opinion.

Here I can only express an opinion.

Once one decides a single clause can be ignored by the states that opens the door to consider which others can be ignored. I don't care if you have a conservative or liberal court, that would be foolish. And again, IF we're talking original intent, bringing up a later amendment as justification for one's judgement of the meaning of an earlier one is a bit hypocritical. As for Uncle Clarence's argument being a sophisticated one, I'm reminded of a mathematical maxim: "An argument reaches it's point of maximum eloquence at its point of minimum clarity." In any event, if Uncle Clarence's argument held sway, I'm sure Utah would have an official state religion in about two and a half weeks.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/20/2003 07:25:27 PM |

Not Geniuses may be the

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 20, 2003 - 5:22am.
on Old Site Archive

Not Geniuses may be the wrong name

Do this. It's about using Bush's web sit against him.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/20/2003 09:22:32 AM |

The rhetoric is correctFrom John

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 20, 2003 - 3:01am.
on Old Site Archive

The rhetoric is correct

From John Edwards statement regarding Attorney General John Ashcroft's speeches on the Patriot Act in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Iowa:

"…I have proposed a new domestic intelligence agency that will both protect our country and safeguard our freedoms, with a new, independent office dedicated to protecting our civil liberties. Unlike this administration, I will never lock away an American citizen indefinitely without access to a lawyer and without a chance to go before a judge and make the case he is innocent. And I will make sure the Department of Justice is accountable in the courts and to the public.

"We must continue to strengthen our domestic defense and stop terrorists in our midst, and we must protect our rights as Americans. But I do not believe in John Ashcroft's and this administration's America where we must sacrifice one to do the other."

via Mike at TOPDOG04.COM

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/20/2003 07:01:50 AM |

Illiterate newscastersI swear, if I

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 20, 2003 - 2:55am.
on Old Site Archive

Illiterate newscasters

I swear, if I hear one more newscaster use "enormity" as though it means "really big" I will scream.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/20/2003 06:55:27 AM |

Why I rarely explain what

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 20, 2003 - 2:44am.
on Old Site Archive

Why I rarely explain what I'm explaining

"So when innovation fails or isn't happening, does that mean these gaps are being mis-managed? I think so, and to understand that better I think it's important to look at the characteristics of the gaps themselves. Thinking about these gaps reminded me of David Weinberger’s essay The Unspoken of Groups, based on his talk at last April’s O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference, which I recently read. In the essay Weinberger says: “In general, making explicit does violence to what is being made explicit. … Making things explicit isn’t like unearthing an archaeological find that’s just been sitting there, waiting to be dug up. Making explicit often – usually – means disambiguating and reducing complexity.”

So when managers try to foster innovation by merging small worlds, by trying to make existing weak ties into strong ties (think heavy-handed knowledge-management initiatives) the effort often fails. Why? Because bridging gaps allows people to recast existing ideas in different ways – practicing inventive recombination. But when you merge small groups together, the very act of merging can do violence to the differences that created the very gaps you're trying to take advantage of. In the process the ideas that could come from bridging the gaps actually disappear rather than remain available for inventive recombination.

In order to create innovativion, we don't need to merge or erase the gaps between groups of people and their ideas — we need to bridge them in a way that preserves the ambiguity that created the gaps in the first place."

via IdeaFlow

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/20/2003 06:44:36 AM |

I love thisFrom Corante's MANY-TO-MANY:

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 20, 2003 - 2:40am.
on Old Site Archive

I love this

From Corante's MANY-TO-MANY: social software:

New definition of social software:

Any arbitrary collection of algorithms, protocols and metadata that allows friendless agoraphobics to pretend otherwise.

“I’m having trouble deciding which node in my social software network I’m going to ask to the e-prom."

From The New Devil's Dictionary. See also, FlashMobs:

An impromptu gathering, organized by means of electronic communication, of the unemployed.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/20/2003 06:40:19 AM |

If the UN meant the

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 20, 2003 - 2:19am.
on Old Site Archive

If the UN meant the US ill, they would leave

Annan Says U.N. Will Stay in Iraq
Associated Press Writer

2:42 AM PDT, August 20, 2003

BAGHDAD, Iraq -- FBI agents led the search for clues in the rubble of a bombed U.N. compound in Baghdad on Wednesday, while U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said the deadly attack would not drive the world body out of Iraq.

United Nations workers were told to stay at home Wednesday after a cement truck packed with explosives blew up outside the offices of the top U.N. envoy in Iraq, killing him and 19 other people. At least 100 people were injured in the unprecedented attack against the world body.

Annan said he was to meet with the Security Council later in the day to discuss security arrangements for U.N. workers in Iraq.

"We will persevere. We will continue. It is essential work," Annan said at a news conference in Stockholm, where he stopped briefly before heading to U.N. headquarters in New York. "We will not be intimidated."

Annan said the U.N. plans to reevaluate its security measures.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/20/2003 06:19:28 AM |

No one suggested this could

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 20, 2003 - 2:05am.
on Old Site Archive

No one suggested this could happen. No, wait…

How America Created a Terrorist Haven

Yesterday's bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad was the latest evidence that America has taken a country that was not a terrorist threat and turned it into one.

Of course, we should be glad that the Iraq war was swifter than even its proponents had expected, and that a vicious tyrant was removed from power. But the aftermath has been another story. America has created — not through malevolence but through negligence — precisely the situation the Bush administration has described as a breeding ground for terrorists: a state unable to control its borders or provide for its citizens' rudimentary needs.

As the administration made clear in its national security strategy released last September, weak states are as threatening to American security as strong ones. Yet its inability to get basic services and legitimate governments up and running in post-war Afghanistan and Iraq — and its pursuant reluctance to see a connection between those failures and escalating anti-American violence — leave one wondering if it read its own report.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/20/2003 06:05:59 AM |

Rudy ParkThis is yesterday's strip.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 20, 2003 - 2:02am.
on Old Site Archive

Rudy Park

This is yesterday's strip. Click for the current strip.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/20/2003 06:02:12 AM |

Let them try explaining THISVia

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 19, 2003 - 8:14pm.
on Old Site Archive

Let them try explaining THIS

Via Alas, A Blog

A Likely Story not only caught Bush changing his flight-suit rhetoric:

Bush Revises Views On 'Combat' in Iraq

"Actually, major military operations," Bush replied. "Because we still have combat operations going on." Bush added: "It's a different kind of combat mission, but, nevertheless, it's combat, just ask the kids that are over there killing and being shot at."

In his May 1 speech on the USS Abraham Lincoln, Bush declared: "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed. And now our coalition is engaged in securing and reconstructing that country." The headline on the White House site above Bush's May 1 speech is "President Bush Announces Combat Operations in Iraq Have Ended."

Since then, a search of Bush speeches on the White House Web site indicates, the president had not spoken of the guerrilla fighting in Iraq as combat until this interview; he had earlier spoken of the "cessation of combat" in Iraq

he (with some assistance) also caught the White House altering their web pages to insert "major" before every instance of "combat operations"…in real time…and has screen shots to prove it!

Neever mind that Google will point you to all manner of copies of the press release AND the cached pages from the State Dept.'s web site.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/20/2003 12:14:04 AM |

It's all the rage, don't you know...

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 19, 2003 - 6:07pm.
on Africa

You have to register to see the whole article.

African currency seen by 2021
19/08/2003 22:53 - (SA)

Kampala - Governors of African central banks on Tuesday agreed to work toward ushering in a single currency and a common central bank for the continent by 2021.

The declaration comes after two days of talks at the annual meeting of the Association of African Central Bank Governors in the Ugandan capital, Kampala.

"The governors agreed to work towards an effective implementation of the well-timed and phased convergence process, which will usher in a single currency and common central bank in Africa," the governors said in a statement.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/19/2003 10:07:19 PM |

Things done for no reason but to piss me off

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 19, 2003 - 6:00pm.
on Race and Identity

The Mulatto Advocate, with a url of http://mulattoboy.blogspot.com/. Links to Larry Elder, Ken Hamblin and Armstrong Williams.

Last you'll EVER see that crakka-ass crakka mentioned here.

Oh, yeah. Tyler Cowen keeps thrilling me less.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/19/2003 10:00:12 PM |

What's up with that, anyway

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 19, 2003 - 5:46pm.
on Old Site Archive

Has anyone else noticed that Mr. Bush never promises anything…he always vows. As in

Bush Condemns Iraq Bombing and Vows U.S. Will Persevere

CRAWFORD, Tex., Aug. 19 - President Bush denounced the bombing in Baghdad today as the work of "enemies of the civilized world," and vowed that the United States would not be deterred from confronting terrorism and bringing stability to Iraq.

Bush vows to crack terrorism
US President George W Bush has used his speech on American Independence Day to warn that the nation was "still at war" with international terrorism.

Speaking at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, President Bush vowed to attack any "terrorist group or outlaw regime" that threatens America.

Bush vows 'force' against Iraqi rebels
By Bill Sammon
President Bush vowed yesterday to use "direct and decisive force" against guerrillas who continue to attack U.S. troops in Iraq and insisted the United States' resolve will not be shaken by the mounting death toll.

Bush vows to finish job in Iraq
U.S. probes Fallujah blast that killed six Iraqis
Tuesday, July 1, 2003 Posted: 11:14 PM EDT (0314 GMT)

(CNN) -- With attacks on American forces mounting in Iraq, President Bush vowed Tuesday that the United States is committed to establishing a democracy in the country, saying "there will be no return to tyranny in Iraq."

Of course, there's a problem with all this vowing.

Bush vows to 'reveal the truth' on Iraqi weapons
Democrats challenge White House on claims

WASHINGTON (CNN) --President Bush, back home after a trip to the Middle East, is facing growing criticism and calls for congressional hearings about his administration's pre-war assertions on the threat posed by Iraq.

Bush vowed Thursday to "reveal the truth" about what he has described as former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction.

Bush vows action after scandals
Bush: Will "vigorously pursue" lawbreakers

President Bush has defended himself against allegations that he was personally involved in business practices that are at the heart of the scandal engulfing corporate America.

At a news conference in the White House, Mr Bush denounced criticism of his role as oil company director before he entered the political arena as "old style politics".

He was speaking after former senior executives of WorldCom refused to testify at a congressional hearing on accounting fraud at the company.

He looked ahead to a speech he is due to make in New York on Tuesday, in which he will give his considered view of what needs to be done to restore investor confidence.

He vowed to "vigorously pursue" executives who broke the law in an effort to restore people's confidence in American business.

Bush vow on Social Security 'symbolic'

By Jonathan Weisman and Richard Benedetto, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON — The White House is backing away from its pledge to protect every cent of Social Security reserves in the face of a report today that the government is tapping Social Security taxes for other programs.

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office will show that the government has to use $9 billion of Social Security reserves to cover the fiscal year ending Sept. 30. The White House estimated last week that the government will run a $1 billion surplus outside Social Security.

Bush, Karzai vow to rebuild Afghanistan

WASHINGTON (CNN) --President George W. Bush and Afghan interim leader Hamid Karzai reaffirmed Monday their commitment to work together to rebuild Afghanistan.

During a news conference at the White House Rose Garden, Bush called Karzai a "determined leader" whose government reflects the hopes of all Afghans for a new and better future.

"The United States is committed to building a lasting partnership with Afghanistan," Bush said. "We will help the new Afghan government provide the security that is the foundation of peace."

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/19/2003 09:46:01 PM |

The Onion!Bush Diagnosed With Attention-To-Deficit

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 19, 2003 - 5:22pm.
on Old Site Archive

The Onion!

Bush Diagnosed With Attention-To-Deficit Disorder

WASHINGTON, DC—Pointing to massive war-time tax cuts, physicians from the Congressional Budget Office diagnosed President Bush with attention-to-deficit disorder Tuesday. "The president exhibits all the symptoms of ATDD: impulsiveness, restlessness, inability to focus on mounting U.S. debt likely to reach $400 billion by the year's end," Dr. Terrence Spellman said. "Failing to address his affliction could lead to serious long-term fiscal health problems for future generations of Americans." To treat the president's ATDD, Spellman prescribed Ritalin and an introductory course in high-school economics.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/19/2003 09:22:37 PM |

White liberal guilt

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 19, 2003 - 7:43am.
on Race and Identity

This is a concept that troubles me.

Is guilt the sole reason for white folks being concerned over the issues facing the Black communities? I don't think so…I don't want to think so. I'd like to think ethics and morality is in the mix. That, and a smidgen of rational self-interest.

You see, all the latest problems in the mainstream communities are old hat to us.

You should look at the point where your ills arose. You'll see they're very similar to the problems the Black communities faced when they were as the mainstream is now; when our unemployment rate was similar to the current mainstream rate, when our school dropout rate was similar to the current mainstream rate, when the rate at which Black kids were shunted into special ed programs matched the current rate at which mainstream kids are prescribed a couple of doses of ritalin.

We're your canary in the coal mine. And the mainstream should be alert enough to recognize that where we go they will follow in hard times.

But my major problem with white liberal guilt isn't the lack of rational self-interest, or even the lack of ethics. It's that everyone eventually gets tired of feeling guilty.

When that happens, there's only two possible cures for the guilt:

  1. Convert it into white mainstream anger
  2. Give up membership in the racially defined group whose actions make you feel guilty
Number 1 just compounds the problems. And number 2 just ain't gonna happen. And that doesn't leave us in a very happy situation, does it?

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/19/2003 11:43:34 AM |

The moveI have a domain,

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 19, 2003 - 7:26am.
on Old Site Archive

The move

I have a domain, folks. I own prometheus6.org. I'm in the final stages of my planned move to MT.

When I do it, I'll set up a redirect page here. The Blogger archives will stay put in case folks have something bookmarked, but I'm going to try importing them as well. I'll just regenerate the whole mess with a notice about the move.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/19/2003 11:26:23 AM |

I got annoyedA discussion on

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 19, 2003 - 7:12am.
on Old Site Archive

I got annoyed

A discussion on Crooked Timber about the blackout became an initially nasty discussion of deregulation.

I couldn't stay out of the comments.

re: laissez-faire in electrical supply- C'mon. Don't you think not being ridiculous would be a good thing?

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/19/2003 11:12:34 AM |

This is Your Story -

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 19, 2003 - 2:00am.
on Old Site Archive

This is Your Story - The Progressive Story of America. Pass It On.
by Bill Moyers

Toward the end of one of her excellent rants, Anne Zook (whose new place looks rather cool) points to the transcript of the speech Bill Moyers gave to the Take Back America conference. Bookmark this speech. Email it.

This is how it concludes…all emphasis added by me so even skimmers get the point. But you should read the whole thing.

We went too far too fast, overreached at home and in Vietnam, failed to examine some assumptions, and misjudged the rising discontents and fierce backlash engendered by war, race, civil disturbance, violence and crime. Democrats grew so proprietary in this town that a fat, complacent political establishment couldn't recognize its own intellectual bankruptcy or the beltway that was growing around it and beginning to separate it from the rest of the country. The failure of democratic politicians and public thinkers to respond to popular discontents – to the daily lives of workers, consumers, parents, and ordinary taxpayers – allowed a resurgent conservatism to convert public concern and hostility into a crusade to resurrect social Darwinism as a moral philosophy, multinational corporations as a governing class, and the theology of markets as a transcendental belief system.

As a citizen I don't like the consequences of this crusade, but you have to respect the conservatives for their successful strategy in gaining control of the national agenda. Their stated and open aim is to change how America is governed - to strip from government all its functions except those that reward their rich and privileged benefactors. They are quite candid about it, even acknowledging their mean spirit in accomplishing it. Their leading strategist in Washington - the same Grover Norquist – has famously said he wants to shrink the government down to the size that it could be drowned in a bathtub. More recently, in commenting on the fiscal crisis in the states and its affect on schools and poor people, Norquist said, "I hope one of them" – one of the states – "goes bankrupt." So much for compassionate conservatism. But at least Norquist says what he means and means what he says. The White House pursues the same homicidal dream without saying so. Instead of shrinking down the government, they're filling the bathtub with so much debt that it floods the house, water-logs the economy, and washes away services for decades that have lifted millions of Americans out of destitution and into the middle-class. And what happens once the public's property has been flooded? Privatize it. Sell it at a discounted rate to the corporations.

It is the most radical assault on the notion of one nation, indivisible, that has occurred in our lifetime. I'll be frank with you: I simply don't understand it – or the malice in which it is steeped. Many people are nostalgic for a golden age. These people seem to long for the Gilded Age. That I can grasp. They measure America only by their place on the material spectrum and they bask in the company of the new corporate aristocracy, as privileged a class as we have seen since the plantation owners of antebellum America and the court of Louis IV. What I can't explain is the rage of the counter-revolutionaries to dismantle every last brick of the social contract. At this advanced age I simply have to accept the fact that the tension between haves and have-nots is built into human psychology and society itself – it's ever with us. However, I'm just as puzzled as to why, with right wing wrecking crews blasting away at social benefits once considered invulnerable, Democrats are fearful of being branded "class warriors" in a war the other side started and is determined to win. I don't get why conceding your opponent's premises and fighting on his turf isn't the sure-fire prescription for irrelevance and ultimately obsolescence. But I confess as well that I don't know how to resolve the social issues that have driven wedges into your ranks. And I don't know how to reconfigure democratic politics to fit into an age of soundbites and polling dominated by a media oligarchy whose corporate journalists are neutered and whose right-wing publicists have no shame.

What I do know is this: While the social dislocations and meanness that galvanized progressives in the 19th century are resurgent so is the vision of justice, fairness, and equality. That's a powerful combination if only there are people around to fight for it. The battle to renew democracy has enormous resources to call upon - and great precedents for inspiration. Consider the experience of James Bryce, who published "The Great Commonwealth" back in 1895 at the height of the First Gilded Age. Americans, Bryce said, "were hopeful and philanthropic." He saw first-hand the ills of that "dark and unlovely age," but he went on to say: " A hundred times I have been disheartened by the facts I was stating: a hundred times has the recollection of the abounding strength and vitality of the nation chased away those tremors."

What will it take to get back in the fight? Understanding the real interests and deep opinions of the American people is the first thing. And what are those? That a Social Security card is not a private portfolio statement but a membership ticket in a society where we all contribute to a common treasury so that none need face the indignities of poverty in old age without that help. That tax evasion is not a form of conserving investment capital but a brazen abandonment of responsibility to the country. That income inequality is not a sign of freedom-of-opportunity at work, because if it persists and grows, then unless you believe that some people are naturally born to ride and some to wear saddles, it's a sign that opportunity is less than equal. That self-interest is a great motivator for production and progress, but is amoral unless contained within the framework of community. That the rich have the right to buy more cars than anyone else, more homes, vacations, gadgets and gizmos, but they do not have the right to buy more democracy than anyone else. That public services, when privatized, serve only those who can afford them and weaken the sense that we all rise and fall together as "one nation, indivisible." That concentration in the production of goods may sometimes be useful and efficient, but monopoly over the dissemination of ideas is evil. That prosperity requires good wages and benefits for workers. And that our nation can no more survive as half democracy and half oligarchy than it could survive "half slave and half free" – and that keeping it from becoming all oligarchy is steady work – our work.

Ideas have power – as long as they are not frozen in doctrine. But ideas need legs. The eight-hour day, the minimum wage, the conservation of natural resources and the protection of our air, water, and land, women's rights and civil rights, free trade unions, Social Security and a civil service based on merit – all these were launched as citizen's movements and won the endorsement of the political class only after long struggles and in the face of bitter opposition and sneering attacks. It's just a fact: Democracy doesn't work without citizen activism and participation, starting at the community. Trickle down politics doesn't work much better than trickle down economics. It's also a fact that civilization happens because we don't leave things to other people. What's right and good doesn't come naturally. You have to stand up and fight for it – as if the cause depends on you, because it does. Allow yourself that conceit - to believe that the flame of democracy will never go out as long as there's one candle in your hand.

So go for it. Never mind the odds. Remember what the progressives faced. Karl Rove isn't tougher than Mark Hanna was in his time and a hundred years from now some historian will be wondering how it was that Norquist and Company got away with it as long as they did – how they waged war almost unopposed on the infrastructure of social justice, on the arrangements that make life fair, on the mutual rights and responsibilities that offer opportunity, civil liberties, and a decent standard of living to the least among us.

"Democracy is not a lie" – I first learned that from Henry Demarest Lloyd, the progressive journalist whose book, "Wealth against Commonwealth," laid open the Standard trust a century ago. Lloyd came to the conclusion to "Regenerate the individual is a half truth. The reorganization of the society which he makes and which makes him is the other part. The love of liberty became liberty in America by clothing itself in the complicated group of strengths known as the government of the United States." And it was then he said: "Democracy is not a lie. There live in the body of the commonality unexhausted virtue and the ever-refreshed strength which can rise equal to any problems of progress. In the hope of tapping some reserve of their power of self-help," he said, "this story is told to the people."

This is your story – the progressive story of America.

Pass it on.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/19/2003 06:00:59 AM |

Corrective lenses for the nearsighted

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 19, 2003 - 1:26am.
on Race and Identity

Lilith of A Rational Animal (in the comments) and Al-Muhajabah via email both pointed me to this article in The Guardian:

More than skin deep
Don't be fooled by the success of a few minority Americans - racism is still rife
Trevor Phillips

…America's most abiding failure has been an inability to erase the racial divisions etched in its social DNA; its defining success has been a genius for embracing and exploiting the economic potential of a continuous stream of immigrants. By contrast, Europe trembles at a level of migration that Americans would regard as piffling. Yet from Rome, through Constantinople to Venice and London, our nations have a history of peacefully absorbing huge, diverse movements of people, driven by war, famine and persecution; and there is no history of long-term ethnic segregation of the kind one can see in any US city.

That is why it is so exasperating when friends return from their summers on Martha's Vineyard or in San Francisco, enthusing about the success of minority Americans. I know that we home-grown black folk can't aspire to the glamour of some Americans - Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice or my great friend from Harvard, Skip Gates, who has become a BBC TV star. But our lack of celebrity should not blind intelligent people to a few basic truths.

First, on race equality, America has failed in every way possible. The small group of successful black professionals and the ghetto-fabulous gangsters who turn up on our TV screens loom too large in our picture of the US. For the average black or Latino American, life is better than it was; but the gap between minority households and whites continues to grow every year, in terms of employment, education and health.

Those who do succeed outside of entertainment and sport do so only and exclusively through two routes, both of which are widely regarded with distaste by Europeans. One is contract compliance, in which both the government and big private sector companies are, in effect, compelled to give a proportion of their work to minority entrepreneurs. I have yet to learn of a black millionaire who has not benefited from this provision; I have yet to meet a white liberal who does not feel uneasy about it.

The other route is affirmative action. Powell, Rice and Gates all state baldly that they would never have reached their current eminence without positive discrimination at some stage in their lives. In his single public disagreement with the president, Powell cited his own successful military career to argue why American universities should retain the right to use race as a factor in admissions policy. Affirmative action alone accounted for most of the black senior American faces we saw in Iraq.

…This summer has brought a new discovery: multiracial America, or as Timothy Garton Ash called it in these pages last week, "Californication". Visiting Stanford University, he has been bowled over by a student body "sporting every shade of skin colour" and representing a spectrum of ethnic combinations. This, he declares, offers "the ultimate answer to the problem of racial difference". How can someone so galactically brainy put his name to this tosh? In the 1970s some of my fun-loving student comrades advocated the left's cause through what we called the "horizontal road to socialism". The difference is that we thought substituting sexual congress for the trade union version was a joke.

The truth is that even in liberal California, racial mixing is still a rarity. More than 30% of the US population is either black, Asian or Latino. Statistically, if Americans chose their partners at random, more than a third of American births should be of mixed race. The figure is, in fact, just 1.6%. Here, it's about 1.1%. But to count inter-racial sex as a reliable indicator of good race relations you'd have to write off the entire history of slavery in America; there was probably more miscegenation on the plantations than at any time in human history. Even if you were silly enough to confuse sexual intercourse with social integration, we still beat the pants off the US. In Britain, up to half of all marriages involving a black man are with a white partner - and "mixed" is now the fourth largest group in the population, after white, Indian and Pakistani.

Of course, the Brits have been at it longer. Two centuries ago, there were some 20,000 to 30,000 black Georgians in London, so familiar they got a name - the Blackbirds of Covent Garden. Yet four generations later, a black face was unusual in London, because the blackbirds had produced so many mixed-race chicks. And it's worth reminding ourselves that Americans have a unique way of discouraging inter-racial relationships: US papers were last week reporting yet another mysterious hanging of a black man alleged to have been in a relationship with a white woman.

And Hellblazer pointed me at Jeanne D'Arc's post on Advice for Americans:

The great shock that I received when I came here was to hear of the arguments and opinions that Americans had about the war in El Salvador. My impression, coming from El Salvador, was that because of the major role the US was playing in our country, most people would know what was going on. But the shock was that the only thing they "knew" was so limited and distorted, that they thought it was only a fight to stop communism. And they thought the communists were trying to take over El Salvador - things that were so diametrically opposite to what was actually happening in El Salvador.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/19/2003 05:26:46 AM |

That damn Franken! Those damn

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 18, 2003 - 9:27pm.
on Old Site Archive

That damn Franken! Those damn bloggers!

Paul Newman Is Still HUD

The Fox News Network is suing Al Franken, the political satirist, for using the phrase "fair and balanced" in the title of his new book. In claiming trademark violation, Fox sets a noble example for standing firm against whatever.

Unreliable sources report that the Fox suit has inspired Paul Newman, the actor, to file a similar suit in federal court against the Department of Housing and Urban Development, commonly called HUD. Mr. Newman claims piracy of personality and copycat infringement.

In the 1963 film "HUD," for which Mr. Newman was nominated for an Academy Award, the ad campaign was based on the slogan, "Paul Newman is HUD." Mr. Newman claims that the Department of Housing and Urban Development, called HUD, is a fair and balanced institution and that some of its decency and respectability has unfairly rubbed off on his movie character, diluting the rotten, self-important, free-trade, corrupt conservative image that Mr. Newman worked so hard to project in the film. His suit claims that this "innocence by association" has hurt his feelings plus residuals.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/19/2003 01:27:00 AM |

It's cool because we'll be

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 18, 2003 - 9:22pm.
on Old Site Archive

It's cool because we'll be dead by then

Prescription Drugs Now, Day of Reckoning Later

WASHINGTON, Aug. 18 — President Bush and Congress have agreed to spend $400 billion on prescription drugs for the elderly over 10 years. But they rarely address a basic question: Where does the money come from?

It will be borrowed from the public, officials say. In practice, economists say, workers of the future — children and grandchildren of today's Medicare beneficiaries — will have to pay much of the cost through higher taxes.

The federal government has no budget surplus to pay for the new benefits, which are the biggest expansion of Medicare since its creation in 1965. A law that required Congress to offset the cost of new benefits — either by raising taxes or by cutting other programs — was allowed to expire in September.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/19/2003 01:22:34 AM |

Typical of voluntary regulationSet of

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 18, 2003 - 9:06pm.
on Old Site Archive

Typical of voluntary regulation

Set of Rules Too Complex to Be Followed Properly

he man leading the investigation into last week's blackout has come to one firm conclusion: either the rules for power transactions on the electrical grid were broken, or they were inadequate, even though they are hundreds of pages of detailed specifications covering seemingly every contingency.

Michehl R. Gent, president and chief executive of the North American Electric Reliability Council, the industry organization that created many of those rules after the 1965 blackout, is not willing to say which possibility he considers most likely at this stage, but his early conclusion has focused attention on the rules governing the power grid, a complex and, in the estimation of some experts, physically inadequate system for moving energy around the country.

Many of those rules - how much power can move in a line, when systems need to be shut down in an emergency - were drawn up long before deregulation opened the sluice gates and enabled the present transfer of billions of watts of energy around the country daily in wholesale transactions across hundreds or thousands of miles. As detailed as those rules are, according to many people in the industry, they are no match for the overwhelming scale and complexity of the grid that lost power over vast stretches of the Northeast and Canada last week.

Ben Carreras, a physicist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory who models the grid on computers, said that using the rules to control the behavior of the grid was sometimes like using a naturalists' handbook to tame a tiger.

And Terry Boston, executive vice president of transmission and power supply for the Tennessee Valley Authority, said, ``We have worked for many years developing the rules of the road.'' ``The problem is,'' he said, ``we're asking the system to go into a mode of operation that is far different than what it was designed to do. It was designed for short distances. Now, in the new open market, we're seeing transactions covering hundreds of miles.''

Adding another complicating factor is the reality that the rules are voluntary, enforced by little more than peer pressure and the potential sting of bad press after particularly bad power failures.

`I don't know of any grid that's got legally binding enforcement,'' said Charles Jenkins, vice president for transmission grid management at Oncor, a part of TXU in Dallas, a private company that moves electricity around the grid.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/19/2003 01:06:10 AM |

Impaired integrityintegrity n 1. possession

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 18, 2003 - 9:03pm.
on Old Site Archive

Impaired integrity

integrity n 1. possession of firm principles: the quality of possessing and steadfastly adhering to high moral principles or professional standards
2. completeness: the state of being complete or undivided (formal)
the territorial integrity of a nation.
3. wholeness: the state of being sound or undamaged (formal)
Their refusal to participate in the experiment will undermine its integrity.

The Feds should have used the third definition. Instead, they used the first.

The Sad Tale of a Security Whistleblower
Federal prosecutors in California went too far when they put a man in prison for disclosing a website security hole to the people at risk from it.

By Mark Rasch Aug 18 2003 05:00AM PT
Previous articles in this space have discussed whether security professionals can go to jail for doing things like demonstrating the insecurity of a wireless network, or conducting a throughput test on a system without permission. Now, a new and unwarranted extension of the U.S. computer crime law shows that you can go to jail for simply telling potential victims that their data is vulnerable.

By explaining how the vulnerability worked, and why customer data was at risk, prosecutors asserted, the security specialist "impaired the integrity" of the affected network. It is now up to a federal appellate court to determine whether this interpretation of the law is to stand. If it does, it could mean a dramatic decline in postings to Bugtraq, CERT, or other public fora.

Bret McDanel was dissatisfied with his former employer, Tornado Development, Inc. Tornado provided internet access and web-based e-mail to its clients. However, McDanel apparently discovered a flaw in the web-mail that would permit malicious users to piggyback a previous secure session, grab the unique session ID and thereby read a user's e-mail-- despite the fact that the site promised that e-mail was secure. Dissatisfied with the pace at which Tornado addressed the issue (and for other reasons, undoubtedly), McDanel severed his employment with them, and went to work for another company.

About six months later, according to defensive filings, McDanel discovered that Tornado had never fixed the vulnerability he discovered. Using the moniker "Secret Squirrel" he sent a single e-mail to about 5,600 of Tornado's customers over the course of three days, staggering the release each day to prevent flooding Tornado's e-mail servers.

The e-mail told Tornado's customers about the vulnerability, and directed them to his own website for information about it.

So what did Tornado? First, they scrambled to delete their own customer's e-mails (without their permission) to prevent them from learning about the vulnerability. Then they took other steps to conceal the hole. Ultimately, they fixed the vulnerability, and upgraded their general security.

For his efforts, McDanel was arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to sixteen months in the federal pokey, which he has now served. He has appealed his conviction to the federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/19/2003 01:03:12 AM |

The proper response

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 18, 2003 - 8:50pm.
on Africa

Liberia Reveals Africa's New Resolve
Sunday Times (Johannesburg)
James N Karioki

By ousting President Charles Taylor, the continent's leaders have finally demonstrated that they are willing to police each other.

At the end of the colonial era, one question plagued thinkers in Africa: Who will maintain our peace?

One of the most potent anti-colonial tools was a simple slogan: "Africa for Africans." When US President John F Kennedy learned that the white settlers in Africa objected to it, he retorted with an equally simple question: "If Africa is not for Africans, who is it for?" Clearly, the anti-colonial momentum in Africa had a friend in the White House.

…Until the end of World War Two, the European imperial order prevailed in most of Africa. During the Cold War, however, the new order converted Liberia into the most important anti-communist listening post in Africa for the US. Indeed, Liberia came to house the largest US embassy in West Africa and, just before the end of the Cold War, it was the recipient of the highest US aid per capita in Africa.

When the Cold War ended, Liberia, like the rest of Africa, became virtually irrelevant to US national interests. There is an old adage that when you throw a few bones to many dogs, fights will break out among the dogs. As the US withdrew most of its "bones", the Liberian "dogs" turned on each other. Liberia's homegrown inequities and indignities reared their ugly heads. The result has been nearly 20 years of violence and a war-ravaged country.

…This week's developments in Liberia must be seen as a showcase of African success.

At the end of the colonial era, one question plagued serious political thinkers in Africa: who will maintain our peace? The answer has been elusive and Africa has endured awesome violence as a result.

The "Liberian solution" is indeed an indication that Africans are now resolved to take charge as their own policemen.

The pressure for Taylor to step down came primarily from the African leadership. It was initiated by the leaders of the West African states under the auspices of the Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas). It gained momentum in the African Union via presidents Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria and Thabo Mbeki of South Africa. These two were the main forces behind the creation of the African Union to supersede the Organisation of African Unity. At the core, African security is the AU's driving force.

As Taylor left Liberia, the African presence was evident. Mbeki was there as the dethroned warlord said goodbye. En route, Taylor was accompanied by the chairman of Ecowas, Ghanaian President John Kufuor, and the chairman of the AU, Mozambican President Joaquim Chissano. On arrival at the airport, the new exile was met by Obasanjo.

The entire event was a dignified African affair of unique symbolism.

…Bush's unstated purpose on his African visit was partly to heal wounds. He had dismissed Africa during his presidential campaign. In return, Africa had deeply humiliated his administration when the three African members of the Security Council withheld their votes for the Anglo-American draft resolution to authorise military invasion of Iraq.

Bush had learnt the hard way that Africa could be material, after all.

…In the final analysis, Liberia became the public launching pad for Pax Africana. The era of "I am my brother's keeper" has finally arrived in Africa. In this thinking, the African renaissance has a critical ally.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/19/2003 12:50:37 AM |

Racial divisions as seen from within each racial division

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 18, 2003 - 11:20am.
on Race and Identity

Kind of a random thought that occurred to me while reading comments:

Division: White
Divisions seen: White, You-ain't-white

Division: Black
Divisions seen: Black, White, You-think-you're-white

Division: Everyone else
Divisions seen: White, I'm-as-good-as-white, Black

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/18/2003 03:20:43 PM |

Let Judges Be JudgesAugust 18,

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 18, 2003 - 5:49am.
on Old Site Archive
Let Judges Be Judges

August 18, 2003

Federal sentencing laws, especially for drug possession, are often irrational, unfair and rigid, and judges know it. However, Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft thinks the problem is that too many federal judges are falling for the sob stories criminals tell them and cutting them a break on prison time.

In a July 28 memo, Ashcroft directed all U.S. attorneys to notify him whenever a federal judge imposed a criminal sentence that was less than U.S. guidelines called for. The attorney general says he wants the case numbers and judges' names so his prosecutors can appeal these sentences. But Supreme Court Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, Justice Anthony Kennedy and dozens of outraged federal judges regard this order as an attack on judicial independence and a veiled threat to would-be nominees.

…In 1996, the U.S. Supreme Court expanded the limited ability Congress left judges to set shorter terms. About one-third of the felons sentenced since then received less than the minimum term, but in half of those cases prosecutors asked for the reduction to get defendants' cooperation.

The attorney general doesn't like those numbers and obviously wants judges to toe his automaton line, without regard to the Constitution's balance of powers. Congress should instead, as Kennedy has proposed, do away with these unworkable sentencing laws and let justice work in tandem with common sense.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/18/2003 09:49:29 AM |

A sign of the timesI

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 18, 2003 - 5:43am.
on Old Site Archive

A sign of the times

I always had some doubt about the influence some claim watching violent TV shows have on children. But given the obvious impact "reality shows" are having on adults, I may have to rethink this.

And then there were 10: Marriage derby heats up
Suitors show up in Southbridge

By Peter DeMarco, Globe Correspondent, 8/18/2003

SOUTHBRIDGE -- The suitors arrived on Donna and Peter Wood's freshly mowed front lawn one by one yesterday morning, passing a horde of curious neighbors and a row of television cameras as they stepped into dating history.

Some wore hip sunglasses; some carried roses; one guy even brought his mother. Among the candidates: a Coast Guard officer, a cable installer, and a few truck drivers. But no doctors or lawyers.

The turnout wasn't quite what the Woods or their 22-year-old daughter, Kimberly Devlin, had expected.

In the past two weeks, newspapers, television stations, and radio stations have chronicled Donna Wood's plan to find a husband for her daughter by accepting applications from men ages 21 to 30 and then holding open auditions at her home. Wood has expressed dissatisfaction with her daughter's taste in men.

Given such publicity, and signs reading "Who Wants to Marry Our Daughter" posted on the front lawn, more than 100 potential suitors have inquired about Devlin, who has a 4-year-old daughter.

But in the end, only 10 brave souls were willing to put their hearts -- and egos -- on the line.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/18/2003 09:43:59 AM |

A previously blogged concept that

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 18, 2003 - 5:41am.
on Old Site Archive

A previously blogged concept that bears repeating

Corrupted science
LEAD POISONING in children might not seem to have much in common with the birthing habits of caribou, but the two are related: Both are examples of the Bush administration injecting its political ideology into the science that should guide public policy making.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/18/2003 09:41:37 AM |

See the next post tooThe

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 18, 2003 - 5:32am.
on Old Site Archive

See the next post too

The shifting medical view on marijuana

By Lester Grinspoon, 8/17/2003

IN A RECENT poll conducted by Medscape, a website directed at health care providers, 76 percent of physicians and 89 percent of nurses said they thought marijuana should be available as a medicine. That's a big change from the attitude in the medical community a decade ago, when few health providers believed (or would acknowledge) that cannabis had any medical utility. That was not surprising; physicians receive most of their new drug education from journal articles or from drug company advertisements and promotions, and neither of these sources provides information about medical marijuana.

The dramatic change of view is the result of clinical experience. Doctors and nurses have seen that for many patients cannabis is more useful, less toxic, and less expensive than the conventional medicines prescribed for diverse syndromes and symptoms, including multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, migraine headaches, severe nausea and vomiting, convulsive disorders, the AIDS wasting syndrome, chronic pain, and many others.

A mountain of anecdotal evidence speaks to marijuana's medical versatility and striking lack of toxicity. Even the federally sponsored Institute of Medicine has grudgingly acknowledged that marijuana has medical uses.

…The Food and Drug Administration, under pressure from a growing number of physicians and patients, approved Marinol for the treatment of the nausea and vomiting of cancer chemotherapy. Marinol is synthetic tetrahydrocannabinol, the primary active cannabinoid in marijuana, packed in a capsule with sesame oil so that it cannot be smoked.

But relatively few patients have found Marinol useful. It is less effective than marijuana for several reasons. Because it must be taken orally, the effect appears only after an hour or more. That eliminates one of the main advantages of smoked or vaporized inhaled cannabis, which works so quickly that the patient can adjust the dose with remarkable precision. Furthermore, Marinol is more expensive than marijuana, even with the prohibition tariff that raises the price of illicit cannabis.

…the primary, and for many the only, advantage of these drugs will be legality, their manufacturers will have an interest in vigorously enforced prohibition that raises the price of the competitive product, street marijuana.

The realities of human need are incompatible with the demand for a legally enforceable distinction between medicine and all other uses of cannabis. Marijuana not only has many potential medical uses, but can also safely enhance many pleasures and ease many discomforts of everyday life. In many cases what lay people do in prescribing marijuana for themselves is not very different from what physicians do when they provide prescriptions for psychoactive or other drugs.

The only workable way of realizing the full potential of this remarkable substance, including its full medical potential, is to free it from a dual set of regulations -- the laws that control prescription drugs, and the often cruel and self-defeating criminal laws that control psychoactive substances used to for nonmedical purposes. These mutually reinforcing laws strangle marijuana's uniquely multifaceted potential. The only way to liberate the potential is to give marijuana the same legal status as alcohol, a far more dangerous substance.

Marijuana should be removed from the medical and criminal control systems. It should be legalized for adults for all uses.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/18/2003 09:32:34 AM |

Nation's reaction to lesbian's slaying

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 18, 2003 - 5:26am.
on Old Site Archive
Nation's reaction to lesbian's slaying at issue

By Steve Strunsky, Associated Press, 8/18/2003

NEWARK -- On the night she was killed three months ago, 15-year-old Sakia Gunn and her lesbian friends had been hanging out in New York City's Greenwich Village, a place they knew they could find acceptance.

While waiting in Newark for a bus, the teenagers were approached by a man who tried to pick them up, and when they told him they were lesbians, he grabbed Sakia, witnesses said. The high school sophomore broke loose, but he lunged and stabbed her in the chest, the witnesses said. Suspect Richard McCullough, 29, has pleaded not guilty to murder. About 2,500 people attended Sakia's funeral, a gathering that gay rights advocates said revealed the numbers and commitment of Newark's young gay and lesbian community. But people working for gay rights in this predominantly black community say they're encumbered by an especially strong antigay bias.

Friends put together a support group carrying Sakia's name for young lesbians, but several students at West Side High School said Principal Fernand Williams refused their request for a moment of silence. School district spokeswoman Michelle Baldwin said she referred a request for interviews to Williams and other school officials, who did not respond.

Some in the gay community say Sakia's background as a black female from a working-class neighborhood also factors into how the nation reacted. Outraged lesbians and gays held rallies in Newark and other East Coast cities, but critics said Sakia's death didn't generate as much visible attention among mainstream gay rights groups or media organizations as the killings of two other youths, Matthew Shepard in Wyoming in 2000 and Teena Brandon, the subject of the film "Boys Don't Cry," in Nebraska in 1993.

"I was shocked at the lack of response, the lack of support," said Amy Goodman, host of the "Democracy Now" news hour on New York's WBAI-FM.

The Gay City News, a New York City-based weekly newspaper focusing on the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered community, or LGBT, ran an editorial about the killing with the headline, "Where is the Outrage?"

"I think there's racism in the LGBT community, and no doubt there's classism," said Mick Meenan, the paper's assistant editor, in an interview. "Whatever attitudes that occur within the community at large occur within the LGBT community."

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/18/2003 09:26:00 AM |

Think about thisThis is amazing.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 18, 2003 - 5:22am.
on Old Site Archive

Think about this

This is amazing. And it has as much to do with how we define crime as anyone's particular actions.

One in 37 in US said to have done time
Record 2.1 million in prison in 2002

By Curt Anderson, Associated Press, 8/18/2003

WASHINGTON -- About one in every 37 US adults was either imprisoned at the end of 2001 or had been incarcerated at one time, the government reported yesterday.

The 5.6 million people with "prison experience" represented about 2.7 percent of the 210 million adults in the United States as of Dec. 31, 2001, the report found. The study, by the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics, looks at people who served a sentence for a crime in state or federal prison, not those temporarily held in jail.

The study is the first to measure the prevalence of prison time among American adults. Last month, the bureau reported that a record 2.1 million people were in federal, state, or local custody at the end of 2002.

Between 1974 and 2001, the number of current and former inmates rose by 3.8 million, the study found. Of those, 2.7 million were previously incarcerated.

Experts say the growing numbers of former prisoners means more people in society will have difficulty finding jobs because of their felony convictions. Many cannot vote and they are more likely to have family or emotional problems that exact a toll on state and local budgets.

The number of people sent to prison for the first time tripled from 1974 to 2001 as sentences got tougher, especially for drug offenses. There are more former prisoners as well, the result of longer life expectancies and a larger US population. Prison experiences vary greatly by gender and ethnic origin.

"At every age, men have higher chances of going to prison than women, and blacks and Hispanics have higher chances than whites," statistician Thomas P. Bonczar said in the report.

Almost 5 percent of men in 2001 had done prison time, compared with less than 1 percent of women.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/18/2003 09:22:17 AM |

The reality of the situationHelp

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 17, 2003 - 6:26am.
on Old Site Archive

The reality of the situation

Help Wanted

…This talk about jobs as the be-all and end-all of American economic welfare has a fundamental limitation, though: except for certain hardcore puritans, it isn't jobs that people want; it's money. In the summer of 1978, when I was 16 and starting my working life, my goal was not to find a job at all, but to own a tricked-out Camaro with custom chrome wheels. Short of devising a surefire blackjack system, the only practical way to reach this dream was to take paid employment. The job I landed, pumping gas, was not only tedious, it turned out, but also, as self-service stations have proved, unnecessary in the scheme of things.

I hate to seem cold, but as far as I'm concerned, there are plenty of jobs that foreigners can have. Assembling Happy Meal toys, for starters. Filling snow globes with whatever that clear liquid is. For a while, that was the major type of work they did over there, and no one I know appeared to miss it much -- if it ever even existed in America. Cheap overseas labor has created products that costly labor would never have bothered with -- those flexible phosphorescent light sticks, say. Those jobs weren't stolen but invented.

But when Asians start doing our good jobs, it's another story. According to company executives, I.B.M. is considering shifting white-collar positions to India, where a competent novice computer programmer costs $5,000 a year instead of $60,000. Such a move would help keep the firm competitive and mean lower prices for consumers. But which consumers, you might ask. Laid-off I.B.M. managers? I wish the candidates would address this paradox instead of recycling rah-rah capitalist nostrums and nostalgic tariff schemes: at what point does remaining competitive dry up and dissipate the disposable incomes being competed for?

Such troublesome macroeconomic conundrums as how China's gains can't, in some sense, be our losses -- at least in the short term and to a degree -- are just what the politicians are avoiding by talking asininely about ''jobs'' when they ought to be talking about wealth, which is the only reason people take jobs other than to get away from nagging spouses. Sure, someday globalism and free trade may lift all boats equally, and to the heavens, but until our economies reach that blessed point of exalted, utopian equilibrium, isn't it true that more goodies in others' stockings naturally calls for fewer goodies in ours? No one will ever get elected for saying so, but don't tides go out before they rise again?

…If the work that remains when the money washes away mostly involves swabbing toilets at Dunkin' Donuts, even full employment will be no blessing. Yet the mantra never changes: more jobs, more jobs. But what jobs, and paid for out of whose accounts? Bailing water from a sinking ship is a job that could keep us all busy for years to come, but will it help buy that Camaro I still want?

Walter Kirn is the author, most recently, of ''Up in the Air,'' a novel.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/17/2003 10:26:47 AM |

The reality of the situation

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 17, 2003 - 6:02am.
on Race and Identity

People Like Us
We all pay lip service to the melting pot, but we really prefer the congealing pot

by David Brooks

Maybe it's time to admit the obvious. We don't really care about diversity all that much in America, even though we talk about it a great deal. Maybe somewhere in this country there is a truly diverse neighborhood in which a black Pentecostal minister lives next to a white anti-globalization activist, who lives next to an Asian short-order cook, who lives next to a professional golfer, who lives next to a postmodern-literature professor and a cardiovascular surgeon. But I have never been to or heard of that neighborhood. Instead, what I have seen all around the country is people making strenuous efforts to group themselves with people who are basically like themselves.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/17/2003 10:02:14 AM |

The reality of the situationAs

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 17, 2003 - 6:00am.
on Old Site Archive

The reality of the situation

As Iraqis die, hate for U.S. spreads
Families left bitter by relatives' deaths
By Gary Marx
Tribune foreign correspondent

August 17, 2003

BAGHDAD -- Ezhar Mahmood Ridha and her sister-in-law were on their way to a wake when they met their deaths at the hands of U.S. soldiers.

As their broken-down car stood stranded on a dusty overpass, a guerrilla fighter nearby detonated a huge explosive device at a passing U.S. military convoy. As the soldiers turned and fired, the car carrying the assailant sped away, according to witnesses and U.S. military officials.

The Americans hit the only object left on the overpass: Ridha's blue 1982 Mitsubishi sedan.

Bullets ripped through Ridha's body. She slumped over in the back seat, eyes frozen, as her 6-month-old baby slipped from her arms, witnesses said. Ridha's sister-in-law was hit in the stomach.

The shooting at dusk on Aug. 1 was just one of dozens of cases in which civilians have been caught in the crossfire of Iraq's guerrilla war. The firing was over in minutes and warranted only a five-paragraph statement from the U.S. military public affairs office in Iraq.

But the tragedy and its aftermath reveal much about the chaotic, unpredictable nature of combat here and how the deaths of civilians can turn residents of an entire village, once sympathetic to the U.S. occupation, into bitter enemies.

For each civilian killed--neither Iraqi nor American officials have attempted to keep count of the mounting casualty toll--a new circle of family, friends and tribespeople learns to revile the U.S. soldiers who came to liberate them.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/17/2003 10:00:45 AM |