This brother at Ragged Thots has reached the point with his Republican peers that the majority of Black progressives reached with Democrats long years ago. Not that Democrats were worse, but that we had higher expectations. We thought they were on our side instead on merely not against us (see Moynhan, Patrick). Black Republicans only expect not to be opposed, and to get a little hook-up.
Two posts, the link to the second is at the bottom of the first. I'm watching him gently shake off distrations from his problem like, oh they do it too, and why don't you complain about Black racism, other nonsense. Looks like he's legitimately taking stock, and thats good no matter how it turns out this time.
My comment on his predicament?
Recently it was said in the comments here that we can have the rather intense race discussions we've had because we don't have a bond we're unwilling to break so we can be honest.
I have no such bonds. Frankly, if you know your opinions will piss off your friend you better be really sure about it.
This shit is hard, and you have to be willing to deal in the kind of truth that pisses off both friends and enemies. Not like you should try to piss them off...if you constantly search for the angry truth, you got issues. But if you be avoiding things, it's not your friend you're hiding from.
Now I know that don't directly relate, but that's my comment.