Since that other one is progressing so nicely

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 7, 2005 - 5:45pm.
on Open thread

Here's another open thread.

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Submitted by cnulan on October 11, 2005 - 3:10am.

Cobb and one of his little cronies have been grievously mislead into a rhetorical misadventure by the morally impaired gambling addict Bill Bennett. In their knee-jerk efforts to craft apologia, they've blundered deep into the house of pain. Additional blatherings about moral absolutism and other dopamine induced chin-dribble from neo-con happy land will doubtless ensue, as also a ruthless spanking of the erstwhile apologists.

Gawd I love slaughtering barrel fish....,

Submitted by dwshelf on October 11, 2005 - 5:47am.
I'm not here to defend the criminal justice system's sense of proportionality. I'm here to question the wisdom of making the fate of drug users the source of our political values.


Fire away. 

Submitted by Ourstorian on October 11, 2005 - 3:49pm.

"Gawd I love slaughtering barrel fish....,"

I read the exchanges over at Vision Circle. Go ahead and handle your bidness. In their deference to slot queen Bennett, Negrodamus and his hand maiden "Sirc Very-Big-Asshole" remind me of the "piss boys" in Mel Brooks' "History of the World Part I"--always ready with a bucket when master drops trou.

Submitted by cnulan on October 11, 2005 - 4:26pm.

Negrodamus messed up when he blew straw on my broad concern about the indefensible drug war by conflating it with an excessive concern for crackheads. Don't get me wrong, I feel badly for the crack afflicted and believe they should have been dealt with from a medicalized rather than criminalized perspective and approach - much as the institutional powers-that-be are rushing to try to implement in response to the methheads.

As a practical matter, legalization and commodification of most drugs would've obviated this entire architected hell-on-earth decades ago. But the 1960's - and all the MK-Ultra and MK-Delta leading up to it - showed the Establishment (seignurial powers that be) beyond any doubt that decentralized mind-alteration was an ungovernable source of disruptive signal noise to the establishment. Not disruption to the common good, but disruption to the prevailing consensus reality and governance status quo.

With that thought in mind, I bring you exhibit one in the barrelfish beatdown. To me, one of the overarching constants with so-called black conservatives is their level of acquiencence and submission to a world order that is demonstrably antithetical to the interests of our youth. The next most prominent feature, tends to be personal disengagement from the community and from the youth who are the future vitality of the community.

In keeping with the question P6 posed here, how many Emmett Till analogs do you suppose have been manufactured by the political policies undergirding the War on Drugs? Seems to me that a HUGE part of the problem pinning the Gargon down stems from the carefully engineered plausible deniability of many of the mechanisms implemented to maintain jim crow status quo in the American social ecology...,

Submitted by cnulan on October 11, 2005 - 5:11pm.

Exhibit Two will run concurrently on Cobb's front porch under his ill-considered post mortem on the drug wars apologia.

Summaries and digests on the campaign will be posted here, but I don't expect that it will have to run very long. Matter of fact, after the daisy-cutter that P6 put up here, I suspect it'll be all over cept for the fish crying noises, but you never can tell, so we'll just have to wait and see how much futile flipping and flopping continues down on the bottom of that barrel...,

Submitted by cnulan on October 11, 2005 - 5:19pm.

I'm not here to defend the criminal justice system's sense of proportionality. I'm here to question the wisdom of making the fate of drug users the source of our political values.

No, I didn't forget about you DW. Not surprising that you homed in on the attempted twisting of my thesis. Kind of like focusing on black criminality rather than profoundly lopsided law enforcement? Those solipsistic filters never take a rest, do they?

Anyway, the wisdom that might have honestly been questioned is my concern for those young people who got caught up in the jim crow gerrymandered criminal injustice system pursuant to their outlaw profession. Unlike Cobb, I'm not dismissive of the talents and qualities that inhere to some of these youngsters. I further think it no accident that upward of three generations of young men have been targetted with predictably devastating effects on the community. But then, you know that, because it's at least in part what I was on about over on that other open thread.

Submitted by Quaker in a Basement on October 11, 2005 - 5:49pm.

Cobb, you should go and roust all your clever and articulate little neo-con absolutist cronies so that I can administer a one-time mass spanking up in here. Just for you brah, it would be glorious. You and the entire kool-aid sipping crew have been tricked into a moral blind alley by your exemplars. I'm not about to let you back out of it without exacting a righteous pound or two of flesh. But instead of you getting skinned alone and taking yet another big one for the team, you could all go out in blaze of hand-holding rhetorical glory and that way none of your would have to feel particularly bad about it.

Ow. I think I busted something.

If this was football, I think you'd be penalized for that.

Submitted by Ourstorian on October 11, 2005 - 5:50pm.

"Nobody had the cojones to come straight out and say so in direct language, but I have read between the lines and divined the true anger at the back of the conspiratorial mind over recent comments by Bill Bennett."

Negrodamus "divined" between the lines, bless his little tea leaf reading heart. Too bad he can't predict how stupid he sounds before he starts pounding the keyboard.

As for cojones ... this neutered kneegro got some nerve. Renting balls from Lawn-Jockeys-R-Us does not make him a real man.

It does, however, guarantee him a leadership position among the "black" conserva-ratty--HEIC (Head Eunuch In Charge).

Submitted by Ourstorian on October 11, 2005 - 6:23pm.

Negrodamus' solution for the problem of racism is for black folks to vote with their feet. He says black folks should move out of "DieNigger Alabama." But where should we go, DieNigger Georgia, DieNigger Mississippi, DieNigger Texas?

Maybe we should just pick up and move to Hunters Brooke, an upscale DC 'hood where we can all be safe...

Submitted by cnulan on October 11, 2005 - 6:34pm.

The brother's been fleeing the hood with such zeal for so long now and with cop mentality in the background, that he's simply forgotten what the hood was and what it can possibly be. Call me peculiar, but my moral cognition was shaped by the hood I grew up in, and I got nothing but love for mine.

Sentimentality aside, and cold rationality front and center, the urban core in U.S. cities with a significant rail infrastructure, Kansas City is number two in the entire U.S., will be of immeasurable value in the coming decades. The suburban sprawl is a net energy dead man walking

Submitted by cnulan on October 11, 2005 - 11:55pm.


the sirc_valence unit forfeited the match in favor of directing my attention to CS Lewis commentary on the irreduceable moral absolutism of assimilationist public education. Pretty much the same line from Cobb, who took the slightly different tack of indicating that we should not trouble ourselves to constructively intervene in the lives of youths who are not naturally inclined to achieve - and on his own porch referred to my politics thus;

If you are willing to turn your victimhood into a neighborhood then more power to you, but it can't stand justfied on the basis of the lie that everyone else is out to get you.

If I understand him correctly, Michael claims to have transcended the parochialism of blackness...,

The colorline has been narrowed from a wall to a tree. In the 21C The law is on the side of the anti-racist. If you choose to bang your head against the tree and complain about the fact that it is part of the American ecosystem then you're missing the forest. You may satisfy yourself to get out the microscope and examine the countless enignmas and psychopathologies of that tree, those who breathe its oxygen and those who are tripped up by its deep roots. That's your stumbling block. I'm already around it. But hey, here's another tree. I walk around that one to. Over to the right is the highway. I hope you get out of the woods.

P6, I told you motivation was intensely irrational, and consequently intractable. It's like digging out a splinter that the victim refuses to acknowledge and doesn't want removed. The daisy cutter you posted this morning from huffington post should've been the clincher and end of the story, but neither one of these fish is willing to concede an inch of his respective theology. They are each intent on avoiding the core issue.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 12, 2005 - 12:10am.

It's the half-second gap between perception and consciousness. Everything they've learned is merged with their sensory input in that space.

It's why I disengage from erroneous thought instead of seeking a replacement for the thought. 

Submitted by Ourstorian on October 12, 2005 - 1:13am.

"I hope you get out of the woods."

I'd rather be in the woods than house niggerin'