I'm annoyed, and it's nobody's fault

by Prometheus 6
October 28, 2005 - 1:56am.
on Tech

Okay, so I have over 900 sites in the old aggregator, and it's not pretty. There's close to 20 that are broken, one that for some readon has a <pre><code> tag pair around every item so it breaks the layout of the site (which is fragile enough...). I can probably fix the layout, but everyone's templates are so different, and just try making sense of a feed full of articles that were created with a different character set than the database that held it before shipping it out in a third (I kid you not).

But the basic functionality is laying around the place now. If you're registered, you can go to the news aggregator or "Site in the network" link. There's "Subscribe" links and a little box in the sidebar that that takes a feed or web page address. Either of them takes you to a form that lets you add key words to your subscription.

Now I have to decide if I'm going to leave this parser in and try to talk to people about their feeds or swap it out for a "looser" one, and figure the other functionality I need Bah.

Remember, I said the stuff is being tried out here first, but will ultimately live at (as it turns out) The Niggerati Network. 

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