But his isn't as big as mine

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 28, 2005 - 6:58pm.
on Politics

Jesus' General picked up on Trent Lott's statement the other day, and he has an audio clip of it too.

That's why I'm concerned that he's starting to pander to the tolerant. Just yesterday, he said the following (MP3 file) about Our Leader's search for a Supreme Court nominee to replace Harriet Miers:

I want the President to look across the country and find the best man, woman, or minority that he can find.
Yes, that's right. He's saying he could support all three: a man, a woman, or even a minority. That's not the old Trent Lott saying that. Certainly, it can't be the real Trent Lott saying that. The Trent Lott we know and love would not give the same consideration to a minority that he gives to men and women.