There are some things man is not to know, it seems

by Prometheus 6
December 17, 2005 - 11:22pm.
on War

Quote of note:

"Apparently, the Department of Homeland Security is monitoring inter-library loans, because that's what triggered the visit, as I understand it."

Agents' visit chills UMass Dartmouth senior
By AARON NICODEMUS, Standard-Times staff writer

NEW BEDFORD -- A senior at UMass Dartmouth was visited by federal agents two months ago, after he requested a copy of Mao Tse-Tung's tome on Communism called "The Little Red Book."

Two history professors at UMass Dartmouth, Brian Glyn Williams and Robert Pontbriand, said the student told them he requested the book through the UMass Dartmouth library's interlibrary loan program.

The student, who was completing a research paper on Communism for Professor Pontbriand's class on fascism and totalitarianism, filled out a form for the request, leaving his name, address, phone number and Social Security number. He was later visited at his parents' home in New Bedford by two agents of the Department of Homeland Security, the professors said.

The professors said the student was told by the agents that the book is on a "watch list," and that his background, which included significant time abroad, triggered them to investigate the student further.

"I tell my students to go to the direct source, and so he asked for the official Peking version of the book," Professor Pontbriand said. "Apparently, the Department of Homeland Security is monitoring inter-library loans, because that's what triggered the visit, as I understand it."

Although The Standard-Times knows the name of the student, he is not coming forward because he fears repercussions should his name become public. He has not spoken to The Standard-Times.

The professors had been asked to comment on a report that President Bush had authorized the National Security Agency to spy on as many as 500 people at any given time since 2002 in this country.

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Submitted by Jeff (not verified) on December 18, 2005 - 4:40am.

I am a librarian and I am very concerned about how the Dept. of Homeland Security obtained a library patron’s records.  It is a violation of principle III of the American Library Association Code of Ethics to provide a library patron's records to anyone without the patron's consent.  I would like to see the American Library Association take disciplinary action against librarians responsible for the release of these records.

Submitted by ptcruiser on December 18, 2005 - 7:23pm.

I would like to know why a librarian, FBI agent or anyone else for that matter would be concerned about anyone requesting a copy of  the "Little Red Book."  It doesn't contain any instructions for building bombs; planting explosive devices; highjacking planes; beheading Christians; blowing up trains; creating terrorist network cells; laundering money; using laundered money to purchase weapons from U.S. arms manufacturers; financing the sale of drugs in black communities in order to buy weapons for anti-Marxist guerillas; converting Islamicists jihadists into atheistic communists; or, how to steal elections in democratic countries. I am at a loss to understand why these guardians of public safety are concerned about a book that, among other things, says that "liberalism is a corrosive element in a revolutionary collective..."

I once had an elected official who is now, unfortunately, a judge tell someone that he was concerned about me because he had seen me reading a copy of the Little Red Book during my lunch break. I think that he thought that I was a secret member of the Black Panther Party. What he didn 't know was that my boss, who was also an elected official at the time, was reading a copy of the book too.

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