While I'm pointing out stuff on the racial tip

I'm checking people more than media this week. I'd like to believe the issues we have now are enough, that the news is on the resolution of currently open issues…but the last time I said something like that Mr. Berg got beheaded that day.

Anyway, Mike at Move The Crowd has issues with a post at WizBang.

I'll say right now, anyone who opens with "I'm going to use some racially insensitive language" has to tread carefully. Particularly if they are of the persuasion that is so rarely on the receiving end of it.

Having read Michael's post and Jay Tea's response to it at Move the Crowd, I conclude that Jay Tea was not intending to be offensive to Black folks, but he was generally offensive to folks who work against racism. There was no reason for "little darkies" or "sand niggers" other than to invoke a gut reaction.

Congratulations on a well executed plan.

The real problem with Jay Tea' s post is he perpetuates the Bushista meme "only racists oppose the invasion." This is a race hustler's position…a blatant playing of the race card. Jay wasn't the first, won't be the last, but if the mainstream doesn't see this as race baiting don't ever look to convince minorities that simply pursuing our own interests should be seen as such.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 13, 2004 - 8:21am :: Race and Identity

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I swear I have yet to hear a single supposedly racist liberal suggest that things are going badly because of any racial inferiority. The closest I've heard is something along the lines of not expecting Al Qaeda to behave well, but not because of their race or religion, but because of their fanaticism.

Posted by  Amanda (not verified) on May 13, 2004 - 11:36am.

Republicans have been desperate for some legitimate means of calling progressives racist for quite some time.

I call it the "I-Know-You-Are-But-What-Am-I?" strategy.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on May 13, 2004 - 12:45pm.

The point I was trying to make, Prometheus, was the racism of lowered expectations, while at the same time returning to my previous theme of personal responsibility. My use of those terms was to identify in a shorthand fashion the typical racist scum who mouth such sentiments, lumping them together with the less obvious racists who mouth such platitudes as "of course they're acting like that, they've been pushed/oppressed/driven to it." That was my thesis in a nutshell.
My point is not the kind of brutality and evil behind the murder of Nick Berg transcends race, religion, culture, or creed. It should be shocking and horrifying to all people, and we all should be outraged. To offer any sort of excuse for that act, for whatever reason, is to deny the supremacy of free will. Nick Berg's killers chose to kidnap him and kill him, and the responsibility for that act starts and ends with them. I don't give a damn what their race, color, creed, sex, culture, or blood type is. I want them found and I want them punished. If they are killed in the process, so be it. If not, I sincerely hope they are executed (in a considerably more humane fashion than they are used to meting out).

You also extended my outrage over this one atrocity into a discussion of the war in general. Sorry, my comments are strictly about this one.

Finally, you said I used those words you objected to to provoke a gut reaction. Guilty as charged. I thought very carefully before typing them, and felt like washing my hands afterwards. I have as much disgust for those words and those who toss them around casually as one can have who isn't actually a target of them. I heard them way too often growing up, and still have regrets about not "correcting my elders." I still find it difficult to let remarks like that slide when I'm confronted with them in situations where I don't have the freedom to respond (with customers at work, for example).

Enough said. Lunch break's over, and I've given myself to much agitas over this already.


Posted by  Jay Tea (not verified) on May 13, 2004 - 1:28pm.

I fully realize your intent. As I said, you didn't intend to offend Black folks. But you did it. SOme of us, anyway.

Cmon, man. What reaction you expect when you use such language? You got the exact reaction you wanted from your confreres.

My use of those terms was to identify in a shorthand fashion the typical racist scum who mouth such sentiments, lumping them together with the less obvious racists who mouth such platitudes as "of course they're acting like that, they've been pushed/oppressed/driven to it." That was my thesis in a nutshell.

But unless you WANT to offend Black folks, drop the shorthand and give your message clearly and plainly. No offense, but it's pretty obvious you are unaware of the baggage terms like "personal responsibility" carry (and here's a hint: whenever you wield a term of art, it's best to recognize its meaning has little to do with the definitions of the words from which it is composed).

Yes, you limited your discussion to this single act. But even in the above quote you've played a race card from the Republican deck.

Consider this. You feel I'm going to take all the stuff you consider yours. My motivation is unimportant in the face of the fact of your feelings.

Now, in the process of taking what's yours I blow up what I don't take and I keep hearing about worse foulness, hundreds, maybe thousands of known innocents jailed and tortured.

How would you react? And would it be racist if someone noticed that you're mad as hell and ain't going to take it anymore?

This is no defense of beheadings, so don't go there. This is saying that you are totally off base by calling people racist for noticing the people of Iraq…not Al Quida of the Republican Guard…are now largely motivated by anger, outrage, and fear of the occupation—and, unfortunately, its American face.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on May 13, 2004 - 2:07pm.

Prometheus, I appreciate your response. I'm not saying I agree with what you said, but it's given me something to think about.

I'll admit I skimmed over everything after "Yes, you..." and decided to "agree to disagree" with your points there. But that first part... definite food for thought.

You mentioned my use of the term "personal responsibility." I'm not sure what you mean by the "baggage" comment -- here's what I meant by it, myself.

Thanks again for the polite response -- it sure beat the hell out of the guy who wished I'd been beheaded.


Posted by  Jay Tea (not verified) on May 13, 2004 - 6:33pm.

I've learned when to put your winnings in your pocket and walk away. Maybe I'll write about which loaded terms strike me which way in the near future.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on May 13, 2004 - 7:19pm.