This is exactly how to convince Arabs this is a fair trial

A defiant Saddam Hussein appears at hearing, says Bush is 'the real criminal'
HAMZA HENDAWI, Associated Press Writer

Strict pool arrangements severely limited media access to the hearing, and video from the session was cleared by the U.S. military.

The only journalist working for an Iraqi publication, Sadiq Rahman of the newspaper Azzaman, was ordered out of the courtroom by the judge 10 minutes before the hearing began. One Iraqi working for the pan-Arab Shaq al-Awsat newspaper was allowed to attend.

"Unfortunately, they are already being unfair to Iraqi journalists," Rahman said afterward, noting that some U.S. television reporters were allowed inside in addition to the pool.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 1, 2004 - 5:48pm :: War

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Not to mention, the judge is Chalabi's nephew-- hellooooooooo

Posted by  Leila (not verified) on July 2, 2004 - 6:22am.

Well, Bush has already said he doesn't care about any opinion except the one expressed in the election.

And Condi Rice told Gwen Iful (sp?) they just want people to question the "new" Iraqi "government" instead of the Bushistas WHEN something goes wrong.

And Saddam's trial will be the most watched soap opera in America for a while. They just better hope Saddam hasn't still got all his receipts.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on July 2, 2004 - 7:15am.