Understand that corporations see employees as competitors after a limited resource

by Prometheus 6
July 2, 2004 - 12:41pm.
on Economics

Implored to 'Offshore' More
U.S. Firms Are Too Reluctant to Outsource Jobs, Report Says
By Paul Blustein
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, July 2, 2004; Page E01

A report by an influential consulting firm is exhorting U.S. companies to speed up "offshoring" operations to China and India, including high-powered functions such as research and development.

In blunt terms, the report by the Boston Consulting Group warns American firms that they risk extinction if they hesitate in shifting facilities to countries with low costs. That is partly because the potential savings are so vast, but the report also cites a view among U.S. executives that the quality of American workers is deteriorating.

"The largest competitive advantage will lie with those companies that move soonest," the report states. "Companies that wait will be caught in a vicious cycle of uncompetitive costs, lost business, underutilized capacity, and the irreversible destruction of value."

Boston Consulting, which counts among its clients many of the biggest corporations in the United States, admonishes them that they have been too reluctant rather than too eager to outsource production to "LCC's," or low-cost countries.

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