The Cosby Effect: What Did They Hear?

I posted a link to a streaming video of a news report on Dr. Cosby's presentation last week because after the buzz the first speech caused (and I still can't find a transcript) I thought it would be good if folks are going to talk about it, they should know what he said.

The snippets that made it into the press last time were pretty brutal…and they were just what folks wanted to hear. I know it's sort of against the Cosby spirit to talk about how non-Black folks are responding to all this. Oh well. It's just for one installment anyway, and it's necessary because that reaction is part of the environment we have to deal with. So I searched for "Cosby" in Google News early this morning. I wanted the first reactions.

I found a lot of that AP release with a word changed here and there. Basically I grabbed that and the first few that, judging from the excerpt, looked like they were trying to write something.

Sometimes I was wrong.

Anyway, here's a bag of headlines and the first paragraph of each article. When you think about it, it's interesting they're all writing about the same event.
Education tops sports, Cosby tells parents
He strutted across the stage and gripped the hand of his fraternity brother, the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, then Dr. William H. Cosby Jr. held the entire room in his hands as he preached the tough love that has gained headlines -- and for which he offered no apologies.

Bill Cosby has harsh words for black men
CHICAGO -- Bill Cosby went off on another tirade involving the black community yesterday, telling activists that too many black men are beating their wives while their children run around not knowing how to read or write.

Actor Cosby hits out at language
Black actor Bill Cosby has criticised young African-Americans for the use of "profane" language.

Locals sound off on Cosby comments
Bill Cosby grabbed attention, and drew more criticism, yesterday for comments criticizing some members of the black community. But some people said he struck just the right chord.

Cosby's rage at wife-beaters
ACTOR Bill Cosby has again hit out at members of America’s black community, telling men to "stop beating your women".

Bill Cosby defends criticism of blacks
ATLANTA -- A day after publicly criticizing shortcomings in the black community a second time, Bill Cosby said he wanted to make it clear he meant it.

This Cosby show will tolerate no funny business
Let's get this out of the way: Bill Cosby is not interested in sitting down and talking to a reporter about his recent critiques of the black community. But he's certainly not keeping his controversial views quiet.

Debate Continues as Cosby Again Criticizes Black Youths
As Dr. Cliff Huxtable, TV's quintessential sitcom dad, Bill Cosby offered gentle, homespun advice to his young family each week. But in real life, Cosby lately has been delivering a much harsher message: African Americans, particularly the young, have only themselves to blame for a variety of social ills.

'It's about our minds,' Cosby tells conference
The cardboard sign said it all: “Bill Cosby, You Don’t Need to Apologize.”

Cosby Calls On PUSH, Black Parents To Make Changes
Actor-Comedian To Black Community: 'Turn Mirror Around"

In a passionate and controversial lecture before the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition & Citizenship Education Fund's annual conference Thursday, Bill Cosby challenged black parents to insist that their children perform better in all avenues of life.

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on July 3, 2004 - 7:55pm :: Race and Identity

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Cosby , the three decades plus frequenter of the Playboy Mansion, takes aim at other fathers.

"Mr.Cosby, you got noooo class..." He's become Rudy, all about style and self. Each of his characters was a personality archetype and was a key to his show's success for kids. There something about each character in all of us as a result.

Anyways, when will he give the speech in mushmouth? It's the only way GWB can make sense of it...

Posted by  Mr.Murder (not verified) on July 6, 2004 - 4:48am.

I'm sorry, I must be an idiot. I cannot figure out what he said that's so controversial. African American leaders are constantly saying things like that, because that's what leaders do. Moreover, affluent African Americans have a surprisingly conservative outlook because they aren't embarrassed about telling others to "snap out of it."

European Americans make much of it because many of us are relatively thin-skinned; we hear frequent references to racism or discrimination, police brutalitiy and sharp critique of US treatment of African Americans, and we flinch. So when someone like Mr. Cosby says things like what he did, we jump all over it because we think it takes the onus off Whites to shape up. But I'm certain that was well known to you.

Posted by  James R MacLean (not verified) on July 7, 2004 - 10:53pm.

James, your comment has the entirety of the controversy all nicely laid out.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on July 8, 2004 - 6:43am.

We have a copy of a speech to text transcript on the "Urban Cartographer Online" Web site at - just scroll down the menu bar and click on the "To Bill Cosby" line.

Read it for yourself and reach your own conclusions.

Long live the First Amendment!


The Editor

Posted by  News Editor (not verified) on July 28, 2004 - 9:52pm.