Hey, Gino

by Prometheus 6
November 20, 2004 - 12:08pm.
on Politics | Seen online
Black Men Outraged At Racist Rice-Bashing November 17, 2004 BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Here's Gino in Chicago. Gino, welcome to the EIB Network. Nice to have you with us. CALLER: How you doing? Rush, I enjoy your show. RUSH: Thank you, sir. CALLER: You know, I can't say how back I am taken at the New York Times and the article, the cartoon. I'm waiting for black leadership to stand up and say "Hey, you know what? This is wrong." I'm waiting to hear Jesse Jackson; I'm waiting to hear from the leaders of the Nation of Islam; I'm waiting to hear from Jesse Jackson, Jr.; I'm waiting to hear from Al Sharpton, but I'm waiting to hear from them. But you know what I'm going to hear, Rush? I'm going to hear silence. Do you know why? It's not, "Well, I'm up for the black man." They're more Democratic than they are black. That's the only way I can put it. They are more Democratic than they are black, and I have to say -- RUSH: No, hey, Gino, I must applaud you, sir. (applauding) You are exactly right. You know why? Because every name you mentioned gets a seat at the Democratic Party's power table in exchange for what you just said: Selling out their own people and interests in exchange for that position of power at the Democratic Party.
I can't speak for the folks you name, but I can tell you why I don't defend Dr. Rice's honor. It's because she is on the side of those who declare themselves the enemy of my interests. Plus she's lied for George Bush so much she has no honor left to defend. Let her husband worry about that shit.

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