Random stuff

by Prometheus 6
April 5, 2005 - 4:02pm.
on About me, not you

Well, I got my first page of my page-per-day done.

And I'm right annoyed at my web host right now. I've had serious down time over the last few business days, and it is NOT my software...of that I am convinced. I've already had a few unfortunate Internet incidents...one blogger that became annoyed that my (actually very polite) comments kept blowing holes in her statements, promised me a message via email...and suddenly the MX records (which DNS uses to route your...my...email) were blown away by someone propagating crap. The host fixed that in a couple minutes, and my personal email doesn't run through the P6 domain anyway.

Asked same blogger what that message was. She claimed she was looking to put together a list of Internet hotties (like I got an ego that's affected by that particular sort of thing) and asked me to email her. I did so from a P6 address (no picture included)...and that was the last I heard of that.

Also had someone running a DOS attack against The Niggerati Network from behind The Anonymizer...which is why no one can read P6 from behind The Anonymizer anymore.

Back when I was running MT, I got nailed by a DOS attack on a blog on the same shared server I was on...which is why I don't do shared servers anymore.

The difference between Progressives and Conservatives: Progressives want to prove you wrong, Conservatives want to shut you up. But I've become somewhat accustomed to speaking my mind, and the only way to shut me up is to prove me wrong (good luck widdat, homey). And even then I won't shut up, I'll just take your evidence into account.

But I don't like folks being able to fuck with my delivery methods...hence the page-per-day project.