Prometheus 6 - News en We thought they had glaucoma <p><a href="" target="_blank">Police find burgers sprinkled with pot</a> <br />October 11, 2006</p> <p>LOS LUNAS, N.M. --Three workers at a Burger King restaurant were arrested after two Isleta tribal police officers discovered that the hamburgers they ordered were sprinkled with marijuana.</p> <p>The Isleta Police Department officers ate about half of their burgers Sunday before discovering marijuana on the meat. The officers used a field test kit to confirm the substance was pot, then went to a hospital for a medical evaluation.</p> <p>The three Burger King employees -- Justin Armijo, 19; Robert Nuckols, 21; and manager Joseph Ledesma, 33 -- were arrested and charged with possession of marijuana and aggravated battery on an officer, a felony.</p> News Wed, 11 Oct 2006 03:12:14 -0400 Prometheus 6 14176 at Why do mother fuckers insist on testing my position on capital punishment? <blockquote><p>He shot and wounded Cesar Avila, a glass worker, erroneously believing that he was a member of a rival gang. He then aimed his gun at Kaitlyn and shot her once in the chest, police said. <br /><br />&quot;This wasn&#39;t an accident or case of her getting caught in the fire,&quot; Beck said. &quot;He intended to kill her. This was callous killing. It is beyond even what gangsters consider usual.&quot;</p></blockquote><p><a href=",0,780876,full.story?coll=la-home-headlines" target="_blank">L.A. Police Say Killing of 3-Year-Old in Gang Attack Was Intentional</a> <br />Kaitlyn Avila, 3, was shot at point-blank range after her father was wounded in the gang-related attack in Baldwin Village, police say.<br />By Richard Winton and Erika Hayasaki<br />Times Staff Writers<br />October 10, 2006</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> News Tue, 10 Oct 2006 14:25:00 -0400 Prometheus 6 14173 at Sorry, still doesn't let Republicans off the hook <blockquote><p>Some blame small-town politics; Ms. West’s father is a prominent businessman here. Others see a double standard in which people are reluctant to view teenage boys as victims. Mayor Joseph Doria attributes the silence to shock, shame and misplaced civic pride from people afraid the case would tarnish the reputation of Bayonne schools.</p> <p>“No one bothered to do the math,” said Mr. Doria, who, like many people in town, knew that Ms. West had married a former student, but did not seem to realize that the relationship had started — and that their child had been born — when her husband was still in school. “And the people who suspected didn’t want to make it a big issue.”</p></blockquote><p><a href=";en=c34d7a0617d22a19&amp;ei=5090&amp;partner=rssuserland&amp;emc=rss" target="_blank">A History of Sex With Students, Unchallenged Over the Years</a><br />By DAVID KOCIENIEWSKI</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> News Tue, 10 Oct 2006 06:13:48 -0400 Prometheus 6 14167 at You'd think police objections would count for something <blockquote>[W]hen it comes to gun legislation, the experts are ignored as the gun lobby scores victory after victory. Consider that President Bush signed a law that permits the destruction of gun check records within 24 hours (despite criticism from a Government Accountability Office report); let the federal assault weapons ban expire (despite evidence that it lowered the rate at which assault weapons were used in crime); is backing bills that prevent law enforcement from putting corrupt gun dealers out of business (over the objection of police groups); and restricted the ability of police to use crime gun trace data (again despite police objections).</blockquote><a href="" target="_blank">Time to Talk Guns</a> <br />A summit on school violence must look at the role of weapons.<br />Monday, October 9, 2006; A16<p>THE SLAUGHTER of five girls in a Pennsylvania classroom, closely following school shootings in Colorado and Wisconsin, has prompted President Bush to call a national summit on school violence. It is right that the nation not just mourn the heartbreak of last week&#39;s shootings but that its leaders and other citizens talk about how to prevent such tragedies. How useful tomorrow&#39;s conversation will be, however, depends on the administration&#39;s willingness to have all voices heard. And that must include those calling for a more rational approach to gun control.<p><a href="">read more</a></p> Health News Mon, 09 Oct 2006 12:02:41 -0400 Prometheus 6 14159 at Psychically linked to Republicans <blockquote><p> All across Africa, India and parts of Southeast Asia, from within and around whatever patches and corridors of their natural habitat remain, elephants have been striking out, destroying villages and crops, attacking and killing human beings. In fact, these attacks have become so commonplace that a whole new statistical category, known as Human-Elephant Conflict, or H.E.C., was created by elephant researchers in the mid-1990’s to monitor the problem.</p><p> “Elephant Breakdown,” a 2005 essay in the journal Nature, Bradshaw and several colleagues argued that today’s elephant populations are suffering from a form of chronic stress, a kind of species-wide trauma. Decades of poaching and culling and habitat loss, they claim, have so disrupted the intricate web of familial and societal relations by which young elephants have traditionally been raised in the wild, and by which established elephant herds are governed, that what we are now witnessing is nothing less than a precipitous collapse of elephant culture. </p><p>...Still, it is not only the increasing number of these incidents that is causing alarm but also the singular perversity — for want of a less anthropocentric term — of recent elephant aggression. Since the early 1990’s, for example, young male elephants in Pilanesberg National Park and the Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Game Reserve in South Africa have been raping and killing rhinoceroses; this abnormal behavior, according to a 2001 study in the journal Pachyderm, has been reported in “a number of reserves” in the region. <br /></p></blockquote><p><a href=";en=555595cd86596c93&amp;ex=1317960000&amp;partner=rssnyt&amp;emc=rss&amp;pagewanted=all" target="_blank">An Elephant Crackup?</a> <br />By CHARLES SIEBERT</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> News Sun, 08 Oct 2006 07:27:45 -0400 Prometheus 6 14131 at You don't say! <blockquote><p>&quot;Almost exactly to the date of the change in sales practices, we saw virtually no more of these junk guns being recovered from criminals,&quot; says Daniel Webster of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, who led the new research, published in the <em>Journal of Urban Health</em> (DOI: 10.1007/s11524-006-9073-2). </p> </p></blockquote> <p><a href=";feedId=opinion_rss20" target="_blank">Fewer cheap guns = fewer criminals with guns</a> <br />07 October 2006 <br /> news service </p> <p>IT SEEMS obvious, but selling fewer guns stems the supply of weapons to criminals.</p> <p>Seven years ago Badger Outdoors, a gun shop in West Milwaukee, Wisconsin, stopped selling $70 handguns, known as &quot;Saturday night specials&quot;, after a government study revealed it was the nation&#39;s leading supplier of guns that were later recovered from criminals. Now, follow-up research shows that the move singlehandedly reduced the supply of new guns to criminals in the city by 44 per cent.</p> <p><a href="">read more</a></p> News Thu, 05 Oct 2006 10:21:10 -0400 Prometheus 6 14105 at Arm the Amish <p>I will suspend my support for gun control for the moment.</p><blockquote><p>Westboro Baptist Church said it is &quot;continuing to pray for even worse punishment upon Pennsylvania.&quot;<br /></p></blockquote><p><a href="" target="_blank">Bible-Spouting Group Plans to Picket Amish Funerals</a> <br /> By Susan Jones<br /> Senior Editor<br /> October 04, 2006</p><p>( - A Kansas-based group that says &quot;God hates fags&quot; plans to picket the funerals of the Amish girls killed by a disturbed man in Lancaster County, Pa.</p><p>The Westboro Baptist Church -- described as a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League -- has made a name for itself by picketing the funerals of U.S. troops killed in Iraq. The troops are dying as punishment for America&#39;s tolerance of homosexuality, the group says.</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> News Wed, 04 Oct 2006 18:46:08 -0400 Prometheus 6 14097 at Almost forgot: here's the next stamp in the USPS Black Heritage Stamps series <p align="center"><a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="" alt="IMG_0738" width="273" height="500" /></a></p><p align="center">(Pay no attention to the price...) </p> News Mon, 02 Oct 2006 23:08:25 -0400 Prometheus 6 14073 at This is a really scummy guy <p>The other day I said if Foley (R-Finished):<br /></p><blockquote><p>His position on the Caucus probably &quot;forced&quot; him to locate all the NAMBLA porn on the net.</p></blockquote><p>ptcruiser let me know <a href="" target="_blank">I was right</a>. </p><p><a href="" target="_blank">Congressman Calls for Investigation of Nudist Camp for Kids</a> <br /> By Lawrence Morahan<br /> Senior Staff Writer<br /> June 20, 2003</p><p>( - A congressman who tracks missing and exploited children said he found &quot;truly disturbing&quot; a report of a nudist camp in Florida for children as young as 11 years of age and is calling for an investigation.</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> News Mon, 02 Oct 2006 21:37:45 -0400 Prometheus 6 14072 at A call for judgement <p><a href=";en=72f54d420adcb9e2&amp;hp=&amp;ex=1159761600&amp;partner=homepage&amp;pagewanted=all" target="_blank">This remind me of the torture legislation</a>.</p><blockquote><p>The statement, from Mr. Hastert, Mr. Boehner and the majority whip, Roy Blunt, asked the board that oversees pages “to undertake a full review of the incident and propose additional safeguard measures.”</p><p>The leaders also said they had asked for specific rules governing the communications and contacts between pages and lawmakers and called for creation of a toll-free number for pages and their parents to report concerns. </p></blockquote><p>Oh, come <strong><em>on</em></strong>...&quot;specific rules governing the communications and contacts between pages and lawmakers&quot;? Wouldn&#39;t that be the <a href="">Adam Walsh Child Protection Act of 2006</a>?</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> For the Democrats News Sun, 01 Oct 2006 07:33:52 -0400 Prometheus 6 14058 at