A good-bye that's actually good

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on September 4, 2005 - 5:29am.

Solomon, aka Solo, aka S-Train has hung up the keyboard.

I started this blog on July 6, 2003. From that date to now, I've had some life-changing events. Most that I have shared. Some I wish I didn't but it doesn't matter now. It's all history. Too be honest, I'm a little relieved. Blogging seemed to lose it's luster and became a chore. Shit, I started dreading blogging. I've grown increasingly distant from many major news events. The Weather Channel, The Learning Channel, and all the cartoon networks make more sense to me now than "da news". Family and Hapkido is my life. And I'm a happy fella. What more can a person ask for, ya know?