Just stay the hell out of there

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on September 6, 2005 - 7:45am.
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Your presence, Mr. Bush, is an obstacle. The security you need will interfere if you go where the problems are, and if you don't (like, for instance, you didn't with your first, week-too-late discussion) it's a photo-op for a president that's so damn disconnected as to say the situation is "secured" by locking thousands of suffering people in a sewer.

Just stay at home in Texas where you're equally useless but st least not in the way. 

Bush Makes Return Visit; Two Levees Secured

As criticism raged over the federal government's response to Hurricane Katrina, President Bush returned to the region yesterday, and Army engineers patched up two levees that had been breached by the storm and cautiously began pumping water out of New Orleans.

Mr. Bush comforted victims in Poplarville, Miss., and Baton Rouge, La., but he found himself ensnared in a dispute with Louisiana's Democratic governor, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, who learned of Mr. Bush's trip from news reports.

"There's a lot of work to be done," Mr. Bush told a group of mostly black victims at a makeshift shelter, the Bethany World Prayer Center, in Baton Rouge. He said that Americans' response to the disaster had been "amazing" and that "this country is going to be committed to doing what it takes to help people get back on their feet."