Changes I been going thru

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 19, 2005 - 6:32pm.
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1 - Note this is an open thread. It may take a couple of days for you guys to use it but I've noticed you do, so you get one periodically. And fact is, several of the most popular threads started this way.

2 - We got changes probably noticed the title... 

Two things I've realized: I need a mission to run a web site, and since P6 is the center of my activities any major move I make will have to branch out from here. I'm not really thrilled by that realization because my major plans involve being than I am here. P6 started as my personal blog and I really wanted it to stay that way but my major plans are more important.

Bet you want a hint...

Okay. Go to Negrophile and check out the blogroll. And if you like what I do (no guarantees, y'all) thank George (but don't we all?).

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Submitted by memer on October 20, 2005 - 10:33am.

Good luck, P6. I hear you -- life is better when it's been affixed with a purpose.

Submitted by dwshelf on October 20, 2005 - 10:54am.

So maybe you can explain P6 what's been working and what's fallen short?

What are your aspirations?

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 20, 2005 - 11:29am.

Nothing has really fallen short because I've been in learning mode.

What I want to do make Black voices so audible that anyone that tries to manipulate or misrepresent us is immediately falsified. Ideally I myself would both analyze and teach analysis. Forced to choose, I'd lean on the reputation I have and teach.

It's not much, especially since the big picture need for Black folks (assuming the continued pursuit of The American Dream) is anthropology-level understanding of living in the USofA. Reflexive life ain't working anymore, for any of us, actually. But we have to be clear on what we're choosing and its obvious most people just aren't.

Submitted by memer on October 20, 2005 - 12:50pm.

"What I want to do make Black voices so audible that anyone that tries to manipulate or misrepresent us is immediately falsified."

By this do you mean a kind of media watch (wrt how blacks are portrayed in media)? I've been thinking along similar lines, m'self.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 20, 2005 - 1:52pm.

That's part of it, yes. And if you have an interst in doing that, we must speak. I want people to know where to go to make, or get, both statements on and responses to events, issues...