Another leak

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on December 21, 2005 - 12:48pm.
on |

Quote of note:

Russ Knocke, spokesman for Chertoff, said it was "categorically not the case" that Chertoff made those remarks.

What else would he say?

Chertoff: FEMA Changes Could Be Radical
Wednesday December 21, 2005 1:46 AM
Associated Press Writers


WASHINGTON (AP) - Meeting notes, released Tuesday by a union representative for federal emergency workers, stated that Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff told employees that many changes planned after Hurricane Katrina were for publicity purposes.

Chertoff's spokesman firmly denied he ever made such comments.

The typed notes, purportedly taken by an unidentified official, said Chertoff told the employees the retooling of the Federal Emergency Management Agency "is partially a perception ploy to make outsiders feel like we've actually made changes for the better."

The notes were released by Leo Bosner, the president of the American Federation of Government Employees local that represents FEMA headquarters workers.

Bosner said he obtained the notes from another FEMA official, who he would not identify.