Remember this stuff?

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on September 5, 2004 - 9:04am.

Just a few little reminders of how we got into our current situation.

You should also check out MoveOn PAC's 10 weeks program, now down to nine weeks. The seem to have hit on a good slogan: "George Bush: he's not on our side." This week's entry is "a real west texan" by Richard Linklater.

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Submitted by In Search of Utopia (not verified) on September 5, 2004 - 2:04pm.

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Todays trip arround the Blogsphere: Debwire: Continued Reporting on Hurricane Frances P6: Prometheus highlights's Ad campaign Spoons: A compelling piece about how Islam condones the murder of children. Patridiot Watch: Asks the question, "Are we cutting and running in......