I still have things to learn, I guess

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on March 11, 2005 - 1:35pm.

Found a new-ish blog called BlogTyme talkning about the Brown Blog series via Techonrati. On the whole, I approve but I don't understand how the sister the wrote this can write this.

I hope more niche conferences emerge. For example a conference for or races, religions and cultures. Perhaps this will lead to niche blogging award recognition. An excellent example of this is IndiBlog Awards. This is an excellent way to delicately enlighten people about the race/gender of the blogger.

There is nothing wrong with being proud of who you are and where you come from. However being chosen simply because of your race or gender is offensive to the majority. If you have something interesting to say eventually your words will be heard - that s how blogging works.

Well, that's not how blogging works, but..."offensive to the majority"? And how delicate is the information about my race when you find out by walking up and shaking my hand? I see no reason to be more delicate with the information.

I never had a problem being a dog.