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CartoonsI think their STILL trying to eavesdrop on MartinSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on December 22, 2006 - 11:14am.
on Cartoons Coretta Scott King's Wiretap Ends January saw the passing of 78-year-old Coretta Scott King, widow of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., and with it, the end of the FBI's around-the-clock phone surveillance of Mrs. King. "After Mrs. King's death, the Bureau determined that the threat she posed to American security was significantly minimized to the point that the wiretapping should not continue," said Charles Torcello, special agent in charge of the FBI's Coretta Scott King surveillance unit. The FBI had monitored King since 1955, when her husband, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., first gained the attention of law-enforcement officials by leading the Montgomery bus boycott against segregation in public mass transit. It would have made as much senseSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on December 12, 2006 - 8:59am.
on Cartoons X-Men Beware!Submitted by Prometheus 6 on November 29, 2006 - 4:45pm.
on Cartoons | Culture wars Kansas Outlaws Practice Of Evolution TOPEKA, KS—In response to a Nov. 7 referendum, Kansas lawmakers passed emergency legislation outlawing evolution, the highly controversial process responsible for the development and diversity of species and the continued survival of all life. "From now on, the streets, forests, plains, and rivers of Kansas will be safe from the godless practice of evolution, and species will be able to procreate without deviating from God's intended design," said Bob Bethell, a member of the state House of Representatives. "This is about protecting the integrity of all creation." Seems like Mrs. Vader forgave WolfCNN Renews This Week At War For Next 8 Seasons ATLANTA—CNN officials announced that they will be carrying the popular news show This Week At War through the 2014 season. "We're confident that we'll have at least eight full seasons worth of material for this property," said CNN President Jonathan Klein during the dedication of the new 11-story TWAW news headquarters in Kuwait City. "And believe me, we're going to be going in some surprising new directions. A premise like this can go on for a generation." In addition to TWAW's extended renewal, CNN is retooling existing news shows to give them a more martial focus, most notably The Situation And War Room, and Lou Dobbs Tonight In The Middle Of A Pitched Street Battle Between Sunni And Shiite Extremists. It's funny...and not...Submitted by Prometheus 6 on November 15, 2006 - 11:18am.
on Cartoons
Report: More U.S. Soldiers Suffering From Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder Oh, go ahead and laughSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on October 6, 2006 - 12:20pm.
on Cartoons How many times have I had this exact conversation?Submitted by Prometheus 6 on September 25, 2006 - 6:20am.
on Cartoons Tom Toles should have finished this oneSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on August 20, 2006 - 7:18am.
on Cartoons
Check this "unpublished sketch."
They're only took me five minutes to realize it's a jokeSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on August 16, 2006 - 4:04pm.
on Cartoons According to congressional testimony, the CIA sees Gates' intention to bring improvements in health and learning to the poorest corners of the world as the most serious threat to American foreign interests since the wave of independence-granting that plagued Africa in the 1960s and '70s. U.S. Dedicates $64 Billion To Undermining Gates Foundation Efforts WASHINGTON, DC—The Bush Administration unveiled a new $64 billion spending package Monday for a joint CIA–Pentagon program aimed at neutralizing the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's global humanitarian network. "The fight against Gates will not be easy, will not be quick, and will not be without enormous cost," said Director Of National Intelligence John D. Negroponte of the new program, which calls for the creation of a new $20 billion counter-philanthropy unit aimed at punishing those countries that accept or use, directly or indirectly, any financial support from the Gates Foundation. There have been times I wanted top read such a storySubmitted by Prometheus 6 on August 9, 2006 - 5:34pm.
on Cartoons No Leads Sought In Asshole's Murder BROOKLYN, NY—The New York Police Department released a statement today confirming its intention to ignore the brutal slaying of local asshole Don Hewson, 34, and to avoid pursuing leads as long as possible. "Mr. Hewson was found with multiple stab and gunshot wounds in his smug fucking face and puffed-up chest, and while we recovered a number of weapons, we are neither testing them for prints nor tracing any serial numbers," Detective Travis Calloway said. "Nor will we follow up on the explicit eye-witness descriptions of the car seen leaving the scene, the calls to Hewson's phone, or interview the scores of people who had good reason to want this guy dead. There may have been a murder here, but we're having a hard time identifying any actual crime." Calloway said anyone calling NYPD's crime hotline with information on the murder would be eligible for fines of up to $10,000. You gotta laugh sometimesSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on August 3, 2006 - 8:01pm.
on Cartoons | Seen online Don't laugh too loudSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on August 2, 2006 - 1:59pm.
on Cartoons | Impeachable offenses
Bush Grants Self Permission To Grant More Power To Self WASHINGTON, DC—In a decisive 1–0 decision Monday, President Bush voted to grant the president the constitutional power to grant himself additional powers. "As president, I strongly believe that my first duty as president is to support and serve the president," Bush said during a televised address from the East Room of the White House shortly after signing his executive order. "I promise the American people that I will not abuse this new power, unless it becomes necessary to grant myself the power to do so at a later time." HehSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on July 6, 2006 - 3:53pm.
on Cartoons
Report: U.S. May Have Been Abused During Formative Years Hey, I thought it was funnySubmitted by Prometheus 6 on June 29, 2006 - 7:38am.
on Cartoons Alan Colmes' Death Goes Unreported On Hannity & Colmes The whole story in a single panelStolen from Roll Call ![]() That's not satire, it's sarcasmQuote of note:
Oil Executives March On D.C. WASHINGTON, DC—More than 1,000 majority shareholders and executive officers from the nation's largest oil companies gathered in the National Mall and marched to Capitol Hill Monday in a mass demonstration for petrochemical corporations' rights and, according to several of those who attended, "to let our voices be heard at last." Ingenious!Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 10, 2006 - 12:46pm.
on Cartoons ![]() A doctor explains to an expectant mother how her organs will slowly dissolve with the new pill. New 'Anti-Abortion Pill' Kills Mother, Leaves Fetus Alive NEW YORK—Pro-life advocates celebrated approval of the new anti-abortion drug UR-86 by the Food and Drug Administration Tuesday, calling it a "safe and effective method" for terminating pregnant women while leaving their unborn children unharmed. Pfizer, manufacturer of UR-86—dubbed the "last-morning-ever pill"—said the drug is intended only for occasions when the mind-set or politics of the mother threaten the life of the fetus. "This drug is designed for extreme cases in which the mother cannot or should not be saved, or when her health has been placed before that of her unborn child," Pfizer spokesman Anthony Wright said. The orally ingested drug first tests for the presence of a fetus. If the outcome is positive, a near-lethal dose of barbiturates is released, which induces a coma in the expectant mother until the child is born, at which point a second, fatal dose is released. Considerably better than the rape jokeSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on April 26, 2006 - 12:31pm.
on Cartoons
Bush Calls Cabinet Meeting To Get Story Straight
April 26, 2006 | Issue 42•17 WASHINGTON, DC—With his administration dogged by criminal allegations, President Bush called a special Cabinet meeting Tuesday to ensure that his staff's complex web of alibis is consistent at every level, an anonymous source reported. "Okay, team, let's make sure we're all on the same completely fabricated page here," Bush reportedly said while aides distributed thick binders containing the administration's latest official side of things. "The e-mail server crashed during Katrina, the dog chewed up our files on the Plame leak, and no one ever told me that the illegal wiretapping was illegal. Right, boys?" Adde Sad but trueSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on April 15, 2006 - 8:56am.
on Cartoons It really is coming in from all sidesSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on April 5, 2006 - 2:36pm.
on Cartoons | Onward the Theocracy! Critics Blast Bush For Not Praying Hard Enough WASHINGTON, DC—President Bush, already facing the lowest approval ratings in history, is coming under fire from former supporters over what they call his "ineffectual and incompetent" use of prayer for national guidance and assistance. "Every time the president is criticized, he insists that the nation is in his prayers," said the Family Research Council's Bob Jensen. "That may be, but it's becoming more and more clear that these prayers are either too infrequent, too brief, or not strongly worded enough to be effective." Jensen added: "This nation deserves more than a president who just pays lip service to prayer. It deserves a president who demands that his prayers get real-world results." This is why the White House didn't want to announce that Chaney shot a guySubmitted by Prometheus 6 on February 13, 2006 - 11:34pm.
on Cartoons Sadly, I think it might go exactly like thatSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on December 16, 2005 - 8:19am.
on Cartoons I just ran across this joke at random.
's not funny, but...Submitted by Prometheus 6 on December 9, 2005 - 7:24am.
on Cartoons Every so often The Onion makes me jealous of their satirical skillsSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on December 7, 2005 - 12:52pm.
on Cartoons Quote of note:
WASHINGTON, DC—Telephone logs recorded by the National Security Agency and obtained by Congress as part of an ongoing investigation suggest that the vice president may have used the Oval Office intercom system to address President Bush at crucial moments, giving categorical directives in a voice the president believed to be that of God. Sorry, I had to do itSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on November 27, 2005 - 10:08am.
on Cartoons FOUR JOKES
[P6: kept my ass from watching his movie too...] Bush pardoned the White House turkey. Then he appointed it the new head of FEMA. [P6: Personally, I think all this turkey pardoning Bush does is nepotism.] Congress stepped up the pressure on President Bush to come up with an exit strategy for Iraq. Today, Bush said, "I have an exit strategy — I'm leaving office in 2008." [P6: be still my beating heart...]
[P6: I can get with that.] Hm...Submitted by Prometheus 6 on November 9, 2005 - 2:44pm.
on Cartoons DETROIT—Nearly 50 years ago, Rosa Parks made history by refusing to give her seat to a white man on a segregated public bus in Montgomery, AL. This week, following the passing of the woman known as "the mother of the civil-rights movement," Americans from every walk of life—regardless of race, gender, or creed—can finally put the subject of racial equality behind them, once and for all. "During today's service, America not only bade farewell to a seamstress from Alabama," President Bush said at a special GOP fundraiser Monday evening, "America buried the idea of civil rights itself." ![]() |
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