I'd love to see the trailer, just to understand what was so disturbing

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on December 13, 2005 - 12:40pm.

BBC drops 'digital face' trails  
Some viewers complained about the ad to the BBC's Points of View

A promotional trailer for digital TV - which some viewers complained was "horrific" and "disturbingly psychotic" - has been dropped by the BBC.

The Faces campaign, which featured a giant animated head made up of smaller heads, generated 1,300 complaints.

The BBC had defended the images, saying they represented the viewers who are able to watch digital TV.

A spokesman for the BBC said the trailer had "finished slightly early", after it "achieved its goal".


He added that the BBC would now concentrate on trailing their Christmas schedule.

In a statement, the BBC said: "The digital faces trail was one of a very long series designed to capture the attention of viewers and stimulate interest in the BBC's digital services.

"The latest, which was first transmitted on 5 November, has been very successful in this respect and early indications are that it has achieved its goal."

"We have been very conscious that some viewers disliked the nature of the trail, although clearly it was not our intention to offend.

"Given that we feel the trail has achieved its aims, we feel that we can now conclude the campaign and use the air-time to let viewers know about the fantastic Christmas in store for them on the BBC." p

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Submitted by cnulan on December 13, 2005 - 1:38pm.

Looks to me like it explicitly depicts an archaic truth that unicameral culture vehemently denies..., I absolutely love that image. Tavis Smiley used the same technique on the cover of his latest book, and you didn't hear any uproar from black folks about the psychotic or disturbing quality of his depiction of human identity transparency, hive mind, unity, or what some might even call a representation of the "face of god".

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on December 13, 2005 - 4:32pm.

That's what I think the problem is too (and I'm glad you're around to bounce that kinda concept off).

Submitted by cnulan on December 14, 2005 - 5:32pm.

godammit P6!!! of course I'm on a project with deadlines and after I googled up the several message boards on which the !@#$%*&^ trailer has been discussed at length, many of the comments on the threads on those boards making it just that much more tantalizing - evidently it frightens children as well as adults - I'm still unable to find a copy to view. I've been flipping off the client's network and onto my evdo to sneak searches and two working days into looking for it, still bupkis..., if anybody finds a copy of this trailer, please post the link here so I conclude my covert search engine forays