More unsubtle conversation

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on March 27, 2006 - 9:13pm.
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You see the economy is getting more and more screwed for any person that doesn't happen to be a corporation, or whose income is mostly unearned.

You will see the government implement all the things Black folks have been pursuing for decades...for white folks. Which is why articles like this say things like this:

"There's something very different happening with young black men"

...and just run down a litany of problems without making a single new suggestion.

If insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results, it's some crazy muhfuggers out there.

And I'm seeing some email conversation too. Not much...most who would send it to me will have seen my response to it already. But I would like every Black person that was thrown off-balance by all the articles the NY Times piece summarized to suck it in.

You are no different today than you were the day these pieces were published. They've said nothing new, by way of definitions or solutions.

LATER: A little clarity. I'm saying Black males are being described as so damaged these upcoming programs wouldn't work for them anyway.

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Submitted by Pamela (not verified) on March 29, 2006 - 2:02am.
This comment is in response to a post by The Prisoner's Wife about this same "study"...I offer some solutions: Consider the world that your black male has inherited. A system that has expended every effort to annihilate, humiliate, intoxicate, emasculate, castrate, imprison, and demonize him. Is it any wonder why he fights to survive “by any means necessary”? Children model the behavior that is shown to them or that receives positive reinforcement. Where are the male role models/mentors for these young black men? Most have fallen victim to the same systematic attempt at exterminating them. They are addicted, imprisoned, or socially, morally, or educationally impotent. Strong Black men, who have navigated the mine field relatively unscathed, are too few, too complacent, too involved in their own personal struggle, or too busy talking about it and not being about it. I applaud all those who are stepping up to help mentor these young men and I encourage others to put their rhetoric into actions…the task is monumental. Is it any wonder why these young black men pose? Why so many, young and old, front? When they enter a public school system that is threatened by an intelligent, assertive, black male? When their self-confidence and articulation is “rewarded” with being labeled a “problem” student, a “discipline” problem? When any attempt at self-empowerment is quickly quashed? When the public school system demonizes you as a child and the media demonizes you as an adult…When you have been disenfranchised and rendered powerless…how do you stay viable? Is it any wonder why young black males embrace some semblance of power through intimidation and fear? Not everyone has the means…I understand that. But…if you are able – by any means necessary…reclaim the children. Take them back, out of the hands that deal them death (on so many levels). Home school – by any means necessary, mentor – by any means necessary, find a cultural school – by any means necessary, form a parenting co-op… By any means necessary…preserve the origins of life…save a black male.