Meanwhile, back in my skullAt

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on April 8, 2003 - 12:40pm.

Meanwhile, back in my skull

At this point, the blog is just kinda talking to myself.

While wandering the Wide Word Web, I keep seeing folks commenting on other people's comments. That's how the public blogging thing works. It's a big part of why it works. And I keep seeing things I'd really like to rip apart.

Right now, though, there's no point to it. I know what I think, my knowledge is a great (or small) as any other intelligent writer out there. But unless/until I get readers, the major function of this site will be helping me shape my own thoughts.

Writing has always been highly beneficial to me. It's not so much the communication aspect of it that makes it a Good Thing; it's that casting inchoate thoughts into form makes you shape them up. Making sure what you write is tight, clear and communicative forces you to deal with the assumptions that underlie the gut reactions.

That is, if you're intent on being tight and clear. A lot of folks just ain't, because (assumption fueling speculations that I'm arrogant as hell coming up) most people simply aren't interested in following a reasoned debate. Most people seem to me to be satisfied hearing something--ANYthing--that supports their gut reaction so they can say "Yeah! Yeah! YEAH!" Best example I can think of in this regard was when one of them "Bell Curve" assholes was touring the college campuses to "debate" some leftist who seemed from the email I was getting at the time to believe she had a shot at changing someone's mind.

Racist anthopoids are incapable of following subtle debate. They are more than capable of recognizing bombast that agrees with (not supports, mind you) their racism.

Anyway, it's even worse now. Now you have intelligent people actively parroting arguments to get a goddamn folding chair.

I don't want to talk to them in detail, believe me. The comments are here more because blogs have comment mechanisms than anything else.

Oh, yeah. Writing.

I'm going to try writing one coherant thing per day. The rest will be drive-bys of stuff I personally feel it's important to remember.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 4/8/2003 04:40:51 PM |