Hitting the linksHaving to do

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on April 8, 2003 - 3:21pm.

Hitting the links

Having to do with a blogroll, not golf. I'm supposed to have one, right?

Well, I don't, not yet. "Dropping knowledge" is more important. Make what you will of that.

I guess I'll sign up for blogrolling.com tomorrow to add blogs. Liberal and leftist blogs, thank you very indeed. When I find rational conservatives to talk to, I'll likely add a section for them. Until then, Glen Reynolds doesn't even need my symbolic support. He got all the traffic he can handle.

I sorted my Netscape bookmarks the other day. Between that and organizing my morning news run as a set of saved tabs I spend a lot less time on said news run, so I don't need a blogroll personally. But one must respect the rituals. When in Rome, donchaknow . . .

posted by Prometheus 6 at 4/8/2003 07:21:17 PM |