At roughtly Dec 05 2003 7:49:29 am MST, sufficiently long before the caffeine made my brain settle down to significantly reduce my tolerance, a comment was left here that I decided needs a response.
Hey, shit-for-brains.
You who feel SOOOOOOO good leaving silly-ass comments on old posts.
Hiding behind a Yahoo! email address is ineffective. Don't think you can't be found. I already know your cheap ass uses Juno as an ISP. And all the tools the Feds can use to track you down are actually available…though not as an integrated whole…to anyone on the net who knows how to use them.
Not that I'm frightened of anyone who doesn't have the balls to spell out "motherfucker". Or any of you mortals at all.
Repeat after me:
It's MY house
We play by my rules
The first rule is
I never lose in MY house
I'd call you a dick, but that would insult dicks worldwide.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled chaos deity.
I'd just delete it and block his IP address.