
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on February 4, 2004 - 7:41am.
"Once we have victory in Baghdad, all the critics will look like fools."

Dick Cheney's remark to a British official in mid-2002, as reported in a new biography, "Tony Blair," by Philip Stephens

"The debate seems to have boiled down to this. Either the intelligence here and among all of our major allies was totally screwed up. Or the Bush administration and Tony Blair's government selectively went through the intelligence and cherry-picked it."

Ted Koppel of ABC's "Nightline"

The Bush proposal, which resembles the infamous Bracero program of the early 1950s, would legalize a subcaste of low-wage labor without providing a mechanism for the estimated 5 to 7 million undocumented workers already in the United States to achieve permanent residence or citizenship.

Toilers without votes or permanent domicile represent a Republican utopia. The Bush plan would provide Wal-Mart and McDonald's with a stable, almost infinite supply of indentured labor.

Mike Davis

This is the message: A woman's bare breast is a horrific and disturbing thing, completely inappropriate for an afternoon of wholesome macho homoerotic skull-bashing NFL violence and endless hours of nauseating commercial crassness -- unless the woman is, you know, a cheerleader. Now rush off to bed kids, and read your Bibles while Mommy and Daddy pop some Zoloft and Levitra and crack a few Bud Lights and head off to the fetish dungeon to lick our new Ford GT. Got it.

Mark Morford