There are two things I would like to make clear

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 20, 2004 - 12:21pm.

1- Michelle Malkin is hot. Not at all like The CoulterThing, who is known to make penises retract.
2- I am not capable of giving her enough lovin' to get over the justified humiliation she suffered at the hands of Chris Matthews.

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Submitted by elle jeezy on August 20, 2004 - 4:52pm.

i too enjoyed her being taken down a peg, too bad he had to verbally abuse her to do it. took most of the pleasure out of the moment.

i stopped watching it and just listened and it sounded like he was talking to an 8 year old.

it pains me to hear anyone addressed in that manner, conservative or not.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 20, 2004 - 4:56pm.

I don't think he abused her at all. He just made her own up to what she was saying.

With all the tripe she puts out there I have no issues when she gets better than she's capable of giving.

Submitted by James R MacLean on August 21, 2004 - 4:22pm.

[After Ms Malkin defended the internment of 120,000 US citizens and residents c.1942, I posted some links on the rebutting her arguments--mostly to Orcinus. However, I included this epilogue re: Ms Malkin's choice of pulicity photos.]

At the risk of being a total blackguard, I note that MM tends to advertize herself as glamorous; while I understand anyone wanting to look beautiful--that's why I included this flattering sketch of myself rather than a photo--there's a difference between beauty and glamour. Malkin presents herself heavily made up and wearing expensive clothing, in poses from the world of fashion. It's rather like she's a softcore porn star, whose specialty is assuring male readers (most of whom are likely to be white) that she is ferociously "pro-them." After all, if one ever skims through "men's magazines" featuring eye candy, one is likely to notice acompanying text in which the model professes sexy opinions. Those opinions that put the reader on the defensive, or mock his ignorance, or suggest that the ogler is not merely sexist, but racist, too--these are surely beyond the pale.

It is possible to be racist against a group and be sexually attracted to some members of that group. Have to admit a huge number of European American men who are attracted to Asian women as such are also very neo-colonial in their attitudes towards those particular countries and inhabitants.

Submitted by James R MacLean on August 21, 2004 - 4:28pm.

FWIW, Condi Rice is a beautiful woman who is an excellent speaker and quite accomplished. She's also a moral monster.

Benazir Bhutto, esp. when she was PM of Pakistan, is [was?] a stunningly sexy woman, with a sultry, lilting voice that used to make my knees go weak. But she was one of the worst leaders in the history of Pakistan, which is saying a hell of a lot. But she was beautiful!

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 21, 2004 - 6:36pm.

Yeah a man with dominance issues (and real racists often have dominance issues) will find compliant women of the race they feel superior to quite

I was going to write "tempting," but find I don't know the right word.