Dole is senile and just says what they tell him to say

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 23, 2004 - 4:13pm.

I'm sorry, but when I read

"He's got himself into this wicket now where he can't extricate himself because not every one of these people can be Republican liars,'' said Mr. Dole, whose right arm was left limp by a war injury. "There's got to be some truth to the charges," he said.

…my first reaction was, "I've seen that line of reasoning before…"

It was from people defending The Bell Curve. In particular, it came from people who hadn't read the book, people who liked what they heard it said. The argument was, "well, even if THAT'S wrong, there's just so much there it can't all be wrong." The Bell Curve was, in fact, the first of a spate of cornerstones and doorstops published by the Right Wing Think Tank Industry, including The End of Racism…books whose most impressive aspect was their appearance of weightiness.

The fact is, they can, indeed, all be Republican liars. They have the discipline and cash to pull it off. Find yourself an honest Republican and ask him, not if he thinks Bush is behind it but if he thinks Bush's people have the cash and discipline to run such a campaign.

Dole was such a gentleman before his Rational Republican wing was plowed under by Newt and the Neocons. I miss that gentle old man…

"I mean, one day he's saying that we were shooting civilians, cutting off their ears, cutting off their heads, throwing away his medals or his ribbons,'' Mr. Dole said. "The next day he's standing there, 'I want to be president because I'm a Vietnam veteran.' "

One day? Next day?


The loss of the ability to distinguish the different time frames involved is what convinces me Bob is still a gentleman at heart, he's just being manipulated by Evil Neocons. And that could only happen to a man of his stature if he's gone senile. Ipso facto…

(I hear a certain plasticity of morals is a common side effect of Viagra toxicity)

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Submitted by TOPDOG04.COM (not verified) on August 23, 2004 - 8:24pm.

TrackBack from TOPDOG04.COM:

P6 has a very good point: I'm sorry, but when I read: "He's got himself into this wicket now where he can't extricate himself because not every one of these people can be Republican liars,'' said Mr. Dole, whose right...

Submitted by ptcruiser on August 24, 2004 - 7:04am.

I loved Senator Dole's line about Kerry receiving a purple heart for a "superficial wound." I thought that it didn't matter what the severity of the wound was as long as it occurred during combat. This is much ado about nothing. Darryl Cox

Submitted by James R MacLean on August 25, 2004 - 3:23am.

(Reuters) - A top lawyer for President Bush's re-election campaign has been providing legal advice to the group that has accused Democrat John Kerry of lying about his Vietnam War record, informed sources said on Tuesday.

The sources, who asked not to be identified, said Ben Ginsberg, the Bush campaign's chief outside counsel, has also been giving legal advice to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the group that is attacking Kerry.

Bush's campaign insists it has no relationship with the group and has denied Kerry's charge that it is a front for the president's re-election team.
(Reuters) - A Vietnam veteran who worked with President Bush's campaign has left over his appearance in a commercial by [Swift Boat Veterans for Truth]...

..."Col. Cordier did not inform the campaign of his involvement in the advertisement ...," Schmidt said....

The disclosure of Cordier's involvement came one day after White House spokesman Scott McClellan and Bush campaign chairman Marc Racicot denied the campaign coordinated with the group on the ads, which claim that Kerry lied about his Vietnam War service.
It would appear the "SBVfT" is closely linked to the Bush Campaign.---JRM

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 25, 2004 - 7:19am.

I never add the "for Truth" bit, as it's a particularly egregious line of bullshit.